Why They Love Bob Meade So Much!
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 20.10.2001 21:04
The contention that I am against gays arises from the six years 1990-96 that I spent actively promoting the number, 666 as the solution to the AIDS epidemic and as the way of obtaining a reprieve for the gays from God's decree that homosexuality is worthy of death without fail (Leviticus 20:13). Since homosexuality had become more or less accepted by creatively accentuating the positive aspects of this time-honored negative, I was attempting to use the same process to stop AIDS and save the gays. I was demonstrating on a daily basis, seven days a week on the East Lawn of the U.S. Capitol; and sometimes throughout Washington, D.C. as well as in various cities from Syracuse to Chapel Hill. I was usually wearing one of the more than 30 sandwich board signs that I had made, depicting the sexualized version of this number with various messages, and the sign that I wore the most often was a heart-shaped picture of the earth with the sexualized version of this number in it. This sign has come to be known as the "Heart of Israel". What follows is the monologue that I delivered in one form or another during those six years that I demonstrated:
"Save the Gays! They're sweet people! Uh huh! Ask them they'll tell you themselves. There's nothing wrong with being a homosexual. Homosexuality doesn't smell bad anymore. Six! Six! Six! Saves the Gays! Six doesn't smell bad! Homosexuality doesn't smell bad! And the devil is a really sweet guy! You'll like him a lot. Six six six is a gay number. It combines perfectly with the male and female sex symbols with the curve in the tangents representing a deviation from the norm of sexuality, and the three sixes represent the three types of gay people, the male homosexual, the female homosexual, and the bisexual. Most of the gays are bisexuals, living in the "closet"! Stop AIDS! Save the Gays! Six six six will stop AIDS! Would you go to bed with someone who had that number on their forehead? No? You would probably think twice about it! Wouldn't you? Six six six will stop the spread of AIDS within the gay community! Save the Gays! God doesn't like homosexuals! God says that homosexuality is worthy of death without fail! Six six six saves the Gays! They're sweet people! Uh huh! Ask them! They'll tell you themselves. Surely God will be pleased! Six doesn't smell bad! Homosexuality doesn't smell bad! And the devil is a really sweet guy! You'll like him a lot! Six six six! A Gay America! Two homosexuals in every "closet". A Gay America! Guns! Guns! Guns! Good clean fun! Sex! Sex! Sex! Hump it to death! Good is bad, and bad is good; God is dead: do drugs instead! A Gay America! Creative! Uh huh! The Beast is homosexuality. The Bible doesn't say so, so that the gays wouldn't tear up the Book. Who can oppose the Beast when they're so sweet? No one can oppose the Beast! We must save the Gays! They're sweet people! Ask them! They'll tell you themselves. Six doesn't smell bad! Homosexuality doesn't smell bad! And the devil is a really sweet guy! You'll like him a lot!"
I produced this from memory; but that is how it would go day after day with changes in the wording for special events. I met thousands and thousands of people, and they would most often ask if I was gay myself. I would never reveal that information. I was spit on, I was beaten, I was shot at, I lost my van which was decorated front to back and top to bottom with the number, and I lost my dog. I now realize that the Persian Gulf War (Id=36001) was probably fabricated to detract from the attention that I was calling to the number, the gays, and the Jews. Saddam may have actually been a pawn, or he may have been going along with everything as an "agent" of the Zionists. They probably planned for the slaughter of most of the troops from both sides. The way that I started that war sent their plans for a loop, and Saddam probably felt that they had betrayed him. However Saddam didn't waste this opportunity to purge his troops of those who were trying to desert him; and the allied soldiers found themselves marching on terrain littered with the bodies of enemies that they didn't kill. This current war business seems to be the same thing; thus I hope that the military doesn't waste this opportunity to get that bin Laden dude over there in that holy city by that whitewashed wall. I hear that he might actually be in that wall! As for this number I made clear a few months back that it will probably never be used on foreheads in this country. That is probably why Geoerge Herbert Walker Bush felt that his saying "666, love George Bush" in the passage that defines "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" Id=41296 would be the end of the matter. In reality the lawlessness has expanded to such an extreme that this lawless tribe now includes the Zionists and the coprophagists along with the gays, the Secret Service, and many others; and they are now destined to receive the seal of God, which is the seal of "Bill", my friend Bill who they profess to be serving (Id=24603). Whether they have been part of a bogus "federal government" claiming to serve Bill or professing to be God's chosen people; in reality they have been claiming to be serving my friend Bill. If they live, they will probably end up supporting the use of this number in various countries abroad as the sealed servants of God, upholding the rule of the Great Dead King of Israel, George Herbert Walker Bush (Hosea 10:3,15). Surely God will be pleased!
When I made this number an issue, it apparently divided the gays against each other. Some of them admitted that it was appropriate to come out of the "closet", accept the number, and prove that they were good people. If they could convince themselves that homosexuality was something positive, they could convince themselve that the devil was a really sweet guy and that six doesn't smell bad. This number was apparently never really associated with Satanism until modern times, and it may have appeared in its sexualized form in the original transcriptions of the Bible, yet they were easily convinced that it was a bad thing. It seems like there have been many gay victims of the "Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206 as they were eliminated to conceal the extent of the AIDS epidemic, for supporting this number, or for opposing the "Silent Murder Epidemic" Id=24603 that was being waged by Zionists, coprophagists, Storm Troopers, and gays alike. As you can see, I never really opposed the gays. Now their lawless compatriots may by setting the gays up to commit lawless acts at places like IMC so that the gays can be villified as the "be all" and "do all" of the lawlessness that plagues society. Many of the fallen Israelites have probably been murdered for doing the same thing that I was doing in DC. They were not opposing anyone. The gays had set a trap for their own lives by embracing a lifestyle that had been condemned by God Himself. The gays themselves now seem to be little more than pawns in the Zionistic pro-gay coprophagic agenda that prevails. So this is why they love Bob Meade so much, I guess. If you have read "Sydney's Olympics Revisited" Id=7378 Melbourne IMC, you would understand that it has probably gone on since before I was born, for they probably loved me so much that they crushed me in my mother's womb. Creative! Huh? Uh huh!
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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