Food Not Bombs Sheffield Oct. 27th Update
AgentLynnSurgent | 18.10.2001 13:34 | Anti-militarism | Sheffield
Dear All-
I've had some time for getting shit together and so
far this is how the FNB project is looking:-
Cook food on the Friday - any people that are able to
lend a hand on that day will be greatly recieved, and
i am sure we can find you a corner in a room to sleep
somewhere. Theres a possiblity of a squat for the
weekend, but this is something that has to be
finalised this weekend. Any ideas for recipes will be
greatly recieved, the idea is some form of vegan curry
with either rice or/and couscous. If we get the
resources maybe veggie burgers, but these are fairly
hard to cook, the possiblity of Veggies Caterers
lending hand is something that i've got to talk to
them about this weekend at the Bookfair.
We'll take the food we've cooked on the Saturday
morning into the city centre, cook it on a gas hob,
and distribute in anyway in which you think can be
done, we'll hopefulyl move around from place to place,
say for example outside fast-food franchises. We'll
need crazy costumes or something, Big chef hats etc if
we can cope with it, basically anythign that smashes
the spectacle of a demonstration that only reinforces
mainstream ideas. If you want to take it upon
yourselves to design a flyer to brign on the day to
distribute to further explain the idea of this event
then be ny guest, theres no authority in this camp go
ahead and publish at will.
Aims are to cook for 200 people, all depending on
resources. Remembering that it will be lunch time and
a massive meal won't be that ideal, so a small portion
is what people hopefully will need.
After washing up, and other such delights there's a
benefit gig in the evening with punk/techno
bands/performers at the Green Top centre. Its a
benefit for local action groups. Yes a crazy weekend
but a worthwhile one i am sure of it.
Below is a roguh events scehedule. Anyone else whom
you may think will be interested please bring them
along, it would be great!
Any ideas flowing let me know, lets co-ordinate this
together, as so far its lookign really good, but i
want it to be sustaible, i.e. if something happens to
me then i want it to still carry ahead, well maybe not
that drastic, but i think you know what i mean.
Hope you find all this info. useful, take care, yours
in freedom and struggle, Agent Lynn@xXx
In addition to the Cyclist against the war group, 3
other project
formed at last nights meeting, here are the details:
Making placards and banners group
This will start at Friday's vigil, so if you have
something to say
the war then come down and make a placard or design a
The intention is to have it in Barkers pools on the
demo day
Please bring cardboard, sticks, cloth and art
There is a possibility of getting a community space
for banner making
Street discussions
Will create a discussion forum at the vigils and demo
for people to sit
down and discuss what is happening in the war, how
they feel about it
Please bring folding chairs to the vigils
Food not bombs
Will be distibuting free food outside fast food
franchises to publicise
the demo on morning of Sat 27th and after to engage
publc in debate
the war
City wide stop the war projects
To get involved in one the projects above or if you
want support to
a different one, and for information on the Projects
open space on
November 6th Mountpleasant Community Centre 7pm