www.peaceinspace.com | 07.10.2001 05:06
Reaffirming the importance and urgency of preventing the weaponization of outer space;
Recognizing the common interest of all humankind in the exploration and non-weapons use of outer space for peaceful purposes;
Reaffirming that the exploration and use of outer space, including the moon, the planets and other celestial bodies, space objects, stations and platforms, shall be for weapons-free, peaceful purposes and shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interest of all countries, irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development;
Recognizing that replacing the mandate to weaponize space with a mandate to develop world cooperative civil, military, and commercial space ventures will transform the global war economy into a global cooperative economic and security system, and will result in an unprecedented expansion in space research, development, exploration, and applications that will provide solutions to urgent and potential human and environmental problems, with unlimited opportunities and benefits for all citizens on earth and in space;
We the Undersigned World Citizens:
1. Call for a permanent world ban on all space-based weapons.
2. Call for a permanent termination of all research, testing, development, manufacturing, production, or deployment of all space-based weapon systems and components by any person, agency, or contractor of any nation or party including any unacknowledged space-based weapons programs.
3. Call for the permanent, verifiable disabling and removal of any deployed space-based weapons, acknowledged or unacknowledged.
4. Call for a permanent prohibition on the basing in space of any tactical or strategic weapon or object carrying such weapons, including nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, or the installation of such space-based objects or weapons on celestial bodies, or the positioning of such weapons in outer space in any other manner. The moon, the planets, and other celestial bodies shall be used exclusively for non-weapons, peaceful purposes. The establishment of weapons-related military bases, installations and fortifications, the research, testing or development of any type of weapons and the conduct of military manoeuvres on celestial bodies or on space-based objects, stations or platforms, shall be forbidden.
5. Declare that the use of military personnel for scientific research or for any other non-spaced-based weapons civil, military or commercial purposes shall not be prohibited. The use of any equipment or facility necessary for peaceful research, development, applications or exploration or for habitation on the moon, the planets or other celestial bodies, or on objects, stations or platforms in space shall also not be prohibited.
6. Call for the establishment, funding, equipping and deployment of neutral world outer space
peacekeeping force, whose mission will be to monitor outer space and to verify the permanent ban of space-based weapons.
7. Call for the transformation of the space weapons industry into a world cooperative civil, military, and commercial space research, development, application and exploration industry.
We call upon the world community to enact the above provisions into a verifiable Treaty to ban space-based weapons.
We call upon the U.S. Congress to enact and the U.S. government to implement the Outer Space Protection Act of 2001.
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