Powerful Anti-War Essays by Aurora Morales, Barbara Kingsolver, Mumia Abu-Jamal
Jaguar Johnny | 06.10.2001 06:00
produced by Dennis BernsteinFriday, Oct 5, 2001 - Start Audio
-00:00Dennis Bernstein: Israeli military terrorists hit targets in Hebron.. six die.. houses burned, cars crushed.. one witness says a person was crushed too.. now w Greg Rollins of Christian Peacmakers.. Greg: at 3:30-4 in the morning.. Israeli troops moved into an Arab neighborhood, occupied 5 houses, one school, a boys' school.. 2- 24 year olds in the school.. the Israelis said they would be treated well.. Dennis: were the Palestinian victims attacking the soldiers? Greg: two people were attacking the Israelis.. the rest were civilians.. we (Christian Peacemakers) have been attacked by settlers..
(and) I have seen settlers attack Palestinians many times.. pretty choatic.. they are of the impression that if "you are not for them, you are against them".. call us Nazi, spit at us, stand in our way so we can not pass.. sometimes Palestinians have to wait 8-9 hours in the sun for their IDs to be checked.. Greg: I've never seen a Palestinian arrested at an ID check.. about the curfews.. not allowed to go to school.. the soldiers refuse to let them pass..
forms of harrassment.. Dennis: are there enough medical supplies, care at the hospital.. Greg: about a nurse he knows in the hospital.. sometimes the power goes out.. sometimes the hospital gets shot up by Israeli soldiers.. Greg: I'm from Vancouver Canada.. I wanted to do some Christian work abroad.. Dennis: Are the Palestinians being terrorized? Greg: I would have to say yes.. the world just legitimizes it because it's committed by uniformed soldiers..
-10:50Noelle Hanrahan: music break..now w Ronnie Gilbert of the folksinging legend, The Weavers, blacklisted during the McCarthy Era.. Essay by Ronnie Gilbert: the FBI is threatening my second group, Women In Black.. the Jewish Women in Black of Jerusalem have stood vigil for 10 years.. joined by Palestinian women when possible..
Jerusalem Women in Black is nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize.. if the FBI cannot differenciate.. we're in trouble.. about McCarthism.. the FBI visited my neighbors, my dentist husband's patients.. it was nasty.. every two-bit local wanna-be G-man looking for spies.. how many spies did this witchhunt uncover? nary a one.. no notable voice of reason.. not allowed a public voice.. today.. we are told.. liberties must be curtailed.. which? freedom of press? freedom of security.. McCarthism does not equal security, never will..
-18:50now w Aurora Levins Morales (link2).. reads her new poem,reads her new poem, Schima (sp?) (Listen).. excerpts:we have been hypnotized by the fantasy that we are the freest of all people, to quietly accept the coup of the unelected, and the ravaging of the planet.. we are passengers in a car driven by men drunk with plunder, ricocheting through the world leaving trails of devastation.. we are the ones who must take the wheel, stop this hurtling death ride, downshift into decency.. right now, as the men in the soundproof rooms demand war, demand retaliation against insolent unknowns who dare to boomerang bloodshed back into their spanking clean boardrooms.. now while the networks juxtapose burning buildings and smiling Muslim faces, getting us ready to accept whichever middle-eastern war target they choose to be their nation of expendable accomplices to crime.. this is the moment to ask these men who finance death squads around the world, and stand in the floodlights saying they will not tolerate terrorism, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE IN OUR NAME THAT ANYONE SHOULD WISH US SUCH HARM?
-35:20Now w Barbara Kingsolver (link2).. Essay by Barabara Kingsolver: ..patriotism seems to be falling to whomever who can yell it the loudest.. who are we calling terroists here? .. about the basis of democracy.. Barbara: it occurs to me that my patriotic duty is to recapture my flag.. about Kuwait.. about the women of Kuwait..
-43:40 now w Mumia Abu-Jamal.. Mumia's Post-911 Essay Two: about the recent UN Conference on Racism.. the media putting out the message.. the only true racism in the world is that directed at Israel.. forgetting Arabs are 'Semites' too.. then the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon..Islamic places of worships attacked as fear is transmuted to hate.. the UN Conference on Racism.. if the Bush Administration had attended that conference, then these racist attacks may have been deterred..
-48:00 Noelle Hanrahan: in early 1994, I took a tape of Mumia to Pacifica.. Gail Christian said 'I do not even want to listen to this'.. now w Michael Franti of Spearpoint.. Michael: as always, empowering to listen to Mumia.. he seems to cut through things with so much clarity.. about the importance of KPFA..Michael: a very personal experience for me to listen to listener sponsored radio.. made me feel I wasn't alone in the world.. and where I hear music that inspires me.. the hijacking of the network makes me very fearful.. where would we be without the network.. Noelle: tomorrow at Dolores Park in San Fransisco.. from noon until 7PM.. help Free Mumia! come to the free concert by Michael Franti and Spearpoint, also there will be Julia Butterfly Hill
-55:30 End today's show.. today's review by john lionheartAudio this show (scrollable)
Flashpoints website, audio archiveKPFA Flashpoints Radio 94.1 FM Berkeley
Your Daily Investigative Radio News Magazine
-produced by Dennis Bernstein
online live 5-6pm Pacific time weekdays at KPFA.org
Thursday Oct 4, 2001 - Start Audio
-00:00Dennis Bernstein: the Knight Report from New York City, news update
-05:25 Dennis about the open letter to the President published in Rolling Stone Magazine by Dr. Benjamin Barber, Kekst Professor of Civil Society at the University of Maryland, and the author of many books including Strong Democracy (1984), An Aristocracy of Everyone (1992), and Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism Are Reshaping the World.. why Clinton did not ratify the landmine treaty.. (discussion).. if you want to make war on terrorism, don't start a war of only one front.. distributive justice.. billions of people live in poverty and despair.. they see the international marketplace as something that destroys their welfare.. their children.. until we address their concerns.. most of the world's people see us as oppressive.. 2/3 of the world's people go to bed hungry.. a war FOR democracy.. FOR social justice.. all this spending for arms, doesn't address the causes of terrorism.. the great majority of the world sees us as part of the problem.. Dr. Barber is a principal in The Democracy Collaborative.. that brings together an international consortium of the world's leading academic centers and citizen engagement organizations.
-24:10 Noelle Hanrahan: Diana Evans and her husband Robert live in Forestville, California.. the FBI tracked them down.. Diana: I was in my classroom (she is a teacher), the last period of the day.. came in to my classroom.. "Hello, We're with the FBI".. I was thinking, "God, how could they be there for me." they said one of my neighbors called them and told them we had a visitor.." (Miguel, from Bolivia).. they tracked Robert down at the DMV.. talked to Miguel in Robert's vehicle.. Robert: I was upset.. I confronted my neighbor.. I called the FBI, I told them I have a lot of brown people come to visit me, are you going to show up everytime I have a visitor.. Robert: I am black, from Barbados.. My wife is Puerto-Rican/Greek, dark-complexion.. Diana: my five children are all multi-racial.. Robert: they were flashing their guns at school, a (not too) subtle form of intimidation.. Diana: about the confederate flags flying down the road.. makes me want to fly a Puerto Rican flag, or Greek flag.. Robert: about the racial profiling directed at them and their kids
-46:00 music break
-46:35 Noelle Hanrahan: Pacifica Watch segment.. w dissident board member, Pete Bramson, and Sherrie Gendleman, chair of the local KPFA advisory board.. Pete: about yesterday's emergency board meeting, about Democracy Now!.. I am disappointed at the outcome of the meeting.. Amy has done really really excellent work around the tragedy in New York.. the board will not take a stand.. a telephonic meeting.. we were all blocked from speaking.. no dialogue.. a one person show.. 'this meeting is a travesty'.. not the way to run a network.. Sherrie: while the judge did let the meeting go on.. he wanted it conducted better.. Bessie Wash continues to mismanage the finances.. bills remain unpaid in all the stations.. using listerner donations to pay lawyers and spin doctors..
-55:00 End today's show.. today's review by john lionheartAudio this show (scrollable)
Flashpoints website, audio archiveKPFA Flashpoints Radio 94.1 FM Berkeley
Your Daily Investigative Radio News Magazine
-produced by Dennis Bernstein
online live 5-6pm Pacific time weekdays at KPFA.orgFlashpoints Radio Sept 25: UK journalist Robert Fisk; Feminist poet Robin Morgan
Tuesday, Sept 25, 2001 - Start Audio
-00:00Dennis Bernstein w news headlines from Robert Knight in New York City.. 1/3 of New Yorkers according to a poll favor internment camps for those "sympathetic to terrorist causes".. 50% opposed
-05:00 Dennis w Robert Fisk, a award-winning reporter for theLondon Independent.. Fisk: this part of the world (Middle East) has suffered from terrorist actions.. Irishmen murdered by South Lebanese militiamen, the killers flown to sanctuary in the U.S. by Israel.. 17,500 Lebanese civilians killed by Israeli military in 1982.. crimes against humanity.. 1,800 massacred in Sabra and Shatilla.. Fisk: I don't remember any candlelight vigils in the U.S or Europe for them.. I don't remember any memorial services.. this is not a war against terrorism, this is a war against America's enemies.. Dennis: about Israel strategies.. Fisk: the moment the Palestinians continue to resist occupation, they automatically become 'terrorists'.. (about American officials) without any understanding or compassion for the Middle East..
urging that the U.S. should start bombing around the country, around the region.. absolutely obscene.. an innocent country, Lebanon.. on the verge of economic breakdown.. attacks could have earthquake responses here.. IF it's bin Laden, and I'm waiting for the proof from Powell.. IF it's bin Laden.. he did it because he wanted an American reaction so.. brutal that Arab people overthrow Mabarak, the Saudi regime.. Fisk: In 1842, 16,500 English (4,500 soldiers and officers, 12,000 women, children and servants) left Kabul (reference).. attacked by Afghans wielding knives and axes.. killed every Englishman and woman except one.. hacked them to death.. Britain lost four wars.. Soviets lost 62,000 men.. Afghanistan not a country, but a collection of tribes within borders drawn by others..
Fisk: as the days have gone by, it has become clear.. America does not want to attack *all* sources of terror.. about ordinary civilians around the world.. what are we westerners being asked to sign up to?.. a vehicle for the reimposition of massive American power.. European powers already extremely skeptical.. what happens if we take over Afghanistan?.. nation-building again?.. the crimes against humanity in New York and Washington.. have we thought this through? do we know what we're doing? we can fund.. the Northern Alliance.. are we going to turn them into a government? are we planning to decide who their government should be?.. if we are, i think the people who are being asked to support this war should be told about it..
Dennis: about oil, about pipelines? Fisk: the Saudis who helped create the Taliban.. had plans for a pipeline.. about Saudi Arabia's connection with the Taliban2.. (discussion).. Dennis: what about the 'second wave of terror' here in this country, attacks on Arabs and others.. Fisk: It is infantile.. We have a whole history.. we've had 30 years of movies that portray Arabs as rapists, murderers, child molestors.. reminds me of the worst propoganda.. like the Nazis made about the Jews.. the message coming from Hollywood appalling.. about the movie made in Israel 30 years ago, portraying Arabs as slave traders, child molestors, rapists.. if movies were made in Hollywood, and they never should be, ever, that portray Jews as they portray Arabs, there would be a revolution.. but when it comes to Muslims, they can be portrayed in the most grotesque ways.. Fisk: I was in Brussels when these crimes against humanity took place in NYC and DC.. WHY did this happen? (he was attacked for asking the question).. those who want to prevent this discussion.. will happily talk about Islamic terror.. but then why is the Middle East a dangerous place for Americans?
-32:00 Noelle Hanrahan: about the songs banned by Clear Channel.. music break: Peace Train by Cat Stevens.. 'Peace Train' is another 'targeted song' by the altogether creepy radio conglomerate, 'Clear Channel', banned either because it is promotes peace or because Cat Stevens converted to Islam.. [you can email a POLITE! reminder to Randy Palmer, Clear Channel guy at Investor Relations, that censorship negatively impacts both freedom *and* profits]
-36:20 Noelle Hanrahan w feminist poet, former editor of MS. Magazine, Robin Morgan..Robin: we have to think outside the box.. (the government) gearing up for a 'jihad'.. looking for ways to address the rage on the Muslim streets.. Robin is author of The Demon Lover: on the sexuality of terrorism.. Robin: we can (only) name 5-10 women involved in terrorism worldwide.. [it's a guy thing].. why? it comes back to the [perceived] 'eroticism' of violence/ terror connected to [erroneous concepts of] manhood.. it affects absolutely everything.. entertainment, rhetoric, parenting, sexuality as defined by patriarchy.. when you examine the profiles of men involved in terrorism.. they are as human as the boy next door, e.g. Timothy McVeigh, Ted Bundy.. well educated, too.. it reminds me of Joseph Campbell's "The Hero".. Robin: when women reach a point of outrage, they march.. at the edge of human suffering.. part of it is a drive to make the people with their foot on your necks see how you feel..
-43:00 Noelle Hanrahan w feminist poet Robin Morgan: (more discussion of the roots of terrorism, and real actions we can take to end it forever) Robin's latest essay, Ghosts and Echoes, written Sept 18, 2001, an excerpt:As a woman I have no country
As a woman I want no country
As a woman my country is the whole world
If this is treason, may I be worthy of it..."For a email copy of Ghosts and Echoes send an email to: robinmorgan2001@aol.com
-54:30 End today's show.. -today's review by john lionheartAudio this show (scrollable)
Flashpoints website, audio archiveKPFA Flashpoints Radio 94.1 FM Berkeley
Your Daily Investigative Radio News Magazine
-produced by Dennis Bernstein
online live 5-6pm Pacific time weekdays at KPFA.org
Jaguar Johnny