An Alternative Petition Against The Proposed War.
THE CONSULTANT | 25.09.2001 20:25
Copy & paste the petition straight into your email and then send it out!!!!
It would be a great help if you could translate this if sending it to different language peoples.
It is imperative that this petition goes global to all heads of state and their lackeys be it here (wherever you are) or abroad in other countries
If are the 100th person to sign would you please send it to every government member and the opposition, religious leaders (optional), and all the heads of multi-national companies in your country (and any other countries they care to).
Please feel free to print and circulate this amongst people who have no access to the internet or no e-mail.
Maybe, just maybe these morons with their heads stuck up their arses carrying all sorts of incredibly dangerous weaponry (and it really doesn’t matter what side they’re on) will take stock of what’s left of the planet and realize that this war thing is not a joke.
I must confess I’m not encouraged by the amount of intelligence that these people have so I’ve typed this really slowly to make it easer for them to understand.
(Because you only understand the language of threats and violence.)
That you stop being such complete idiots and knock it off.
This war thing that you take so seriously is going to totally fuck up the planet and most of the people living on it.
All of us are going to suffer not just the good or the bad but everyone whoever they are and wherever they are.
We all know your tough hard men and don't take shit from no one
you’ve proved your point and been proving it for millennia
but we've got to the stage where we think its getting a bit out of hand
its really not big, not cleaver and its certainly not funny (if it ever was).
Its time to stop the macho bullshit and grow up.
KNOCK, KNOCK 'Anybody in there ,hello we’re in the 21st century now or hadn’t you noticed’.
(When was the last time you had a look around?the 10th century...BC)
You’re like a bunch of children fighting over a toy by the time you’re finished it will be broken beyond repair and you will all have a bit of it completely useless to all of you.
Now is the time to stop squabbling amongst yourselves and take responsibility for your actions ‘cause if you don’t you won’t even have a fucking playground to run around in.
You’re all old enough to know better.
If you all stop this pointless bickering there wont be any losers or winners.
Hey wouldn’t it be nice to be liked by a lot more people and earn some respect, which doesn’t come from scaring the shit out of everybody or pushing people around, mentally or physically.
Now if you can’t show some respect for your fellow human beings
(and the wildlife and the environment)
we the undersigned we know that you will rot in the radioactive biological chemical flesh eating, tooth rotting, mind fuckingly toxic soup that will be all that remains of this once beautiful planet, with the rest of us and all the cultural and technological advances we’ve made will go straight down the pan along with everything else.
1.John Doe