Protestant-Muslim-Murder-Terror Connection
wIr | 23.09.2001 13:36
And Chomsky below tells of elements in the 1980's going against the Catholic Church for helping the poor in Latin America.
Well Well,
Protestant's causing world wide terror again trying to blame Catholic's and Orthodox, typical.
Using the Muslims to kill and terrorize Catholic's and Orthodox Christians.Shame Shame!
And Muslims hapily doing it for them.
Both are guilty as charged, and now their henchmen Muslims are Blowing Back on their Protestant Masters. Well Well.
Protestant's better stop it right now or they will have Catholic and Orthodox problems way beyond anything that a Muslim can do to them.
Get our drift Protestant Provocateurs !
One good stab in the back deserves a thousand now coming your way!
Havn't been very Christian about the matter now have you Protestants. Using Muslims against fellow Christians. Naughty, Naughty.
State Sanctioned Protestant Terror!
tIme to pay foR All your sins.
Including throwing stones at little Irish Cattolic school children on their way to school.
Shame be now placed upon all your heads.
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