the judgment
bh | 20.09.2001 10:07
First you must drink that first cup full of those half filled mass graves and at the same time Yahweh will pour in some of those centuries worth of same things, some known, some just as hidden as this stupid idiotic thing was supposed to be, but of course only an ultra hawk could ever expect to hide something this big and get away with it, but they are just that desperate. I have just have that much appeal thanks to the great love of Yahweh for me on Earth Day and thanks to the wonderful and always unexpected things Yahweh does that I just love.
Second, you will keep drinking whore cups until finally you people unite together in strength and force that beast to burn that whore up and empty the till. As long as she is alive in America you will just be drinking so many whore cups and since you have to talk the beast into finally getting rid of her and emptying the till, that could take a while. In the meantime because she is criminally insane as this current ultra hawk against the peasants indicates she will of course start doing insanities on you since she will be kicked out of 60 countries without a red cent to show for all that stuff she will unfortunately be leaving behind but then she will be not around much longer and doesn't need to be thinking about the future as I said before, but as I was saying she will be doing stuff to you instead such as charging you a whole days wages for a loaf of bread. meanwhile the lamb dragon will be reminding people of the food shortage which is why you have to pay so much, a damnable lie, but you'll get used to listening to that thing, a punishment yahweh thinks you deserve for a long time since Americans did not listen to a prophet of Yahweh thus leaving that thing chattering and tormenting me for years, so you will just have to put up with offense of that thing always trying to disunite the country while you try to unite it so you can finally stop drinking whore cups by convincing the beast to get rid of her like it says there and get it over with. The way you do that is unite so the beast knows it will not get a single one of those weird ultra hawk policies done until it complies because the whole country except for the isolated nazis who like that thing, well it will impossible for it not to do what you want in the end, unless it wants to just be a nobody who can t even get one policy done, because the whole country is against it. The lamb dragon will be trying as hard as possible to make people believe wrongness and also to disunite. Doesn't sound like fun, but that is your judgment from Yahweh all you G* countries that have that Whore of Babylon doing stuff like to the poor, and if you kill me in the end, then you will at that time in the future also have to have the torturous ultra hawk done on you by really weird crazy people like those peasants had to do, because there won't be anyone to say no to that ultra hawk and it won't feel frustrated anymore but rather free at last and that lamb dragon will also be free to try to force you to get marked up with that 666 which is also what your not supposed to do but that thing will try to force it on you because its like that that thing, and no one will be there to tell it that it cant try that one till later because its the wrong time NO!
I hope this helps everyone get a general picture of whats ahead. AFter Yom Kippur I want to find someway to begin visiting the new Anrachist communists Socialist countries with no kings or anybody left except us peasants while you people try to get rid of that whore who will finally just be your own problem and naturally being the most evil thing that ever existed will be charging 20 bucks for a can of soup while that lamb dragon lies about the soup shortage to everyone...