Rosh hashana judgment day
bh | 20.09.2001 04:41
the spin was that it was going to be a quiet day on wall street
and it was quiet every time I checked
i wasn't glued to the tv or anything
but every time i bother to check whether or not it was still quiet
like they said it was going to be it was in fact quite quiet
later on that day it was stabilizing and then the spin became that it
was a stable market
and sure enough it was quite stable staying around 13 or 14 or 15
if it went to 15 it might fall to 14 or 13 then go back to 15
and when I checked it a little later it was still making sure to not
go past 13 or 15 because it was such a quiet and stable market
on Rosh Hashana
judgment day you know
yes it was quiet and stable which was just the perfect way for that market to be on judgment day
when lots of people would be watching to see if it got judged or anything
and it didn't just being quiet and stable and staying between 13 and 15
like a quiet and stable stock market all day long should especially on judgment day
but somehow i don't think that when that whore of babylon was being
forced to buy all those stocks behind the scenes it was quiet and stable
but rather she was probably cursing a blue streak for being forced to buy
stocks she didn't even want that people were trying to sell all day long
and being forced to pay between 13 and 15 for them which cost a fortune
but at least she didn't get judged that day
after the market had closed the spin was that the market was going to get judged on the day after
Rosh Hashana by going down the next day but because it wasn't judgment day it could do that and it wouldn't matter because it was Wednesday so if it went down then it didn't count
as being the same as if it had gone down like that on Tuesday
thus being judged
instead of being a nice quiet stable stock market the whole day and staying
between 13 and 15 and just not getting judged until wednesday