Australian MPs and trade unionists support Irish Peace process
The Guardian August 29, 2001 | 06.09.2001 13:14
The letter was signed by Tony Maher, General President of the Mining and Energy Workers' Union on behalf of a number of leading trade union officials, NSW MPs and Australian Aid for Ireland.
"We urge your governments to honour all the commitments made in the Good Friday Agreement and not allow the Unionists to continue to act in a unilateral manner exercising a veto that they have no right to", the letter continued.
For too long now, Unionists have hidden behind the issue of Decommissioning as an excuse not to proceed with agreed political reforms. The recent statement by the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning that the IRA had begun a process of putting it's arms "completely and verifiably beyond use", exposed the spurious motives of those who have hidden behind Decommissioning as the basis for opposing political reform.
The courageous initiative by the IRA on decommissioning greatly enhanced the peace process. It provided the historic opportunity to remove the gun from Irish politics if it is reciprocated by all other parties. This requires a similar commitment by the loyalist paramilitaries and their involvement with the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning (IICD).
At present, in attempts to destroy the peace process, loyalist para-militaries are engaged in murderous sectarian attacks on the nationalist population.
"We urge both your governments to come out firmly and demand that the loyalist para-militaries match the IRA'S commitment to the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning. The loyalist para-militaries must also commit to, and engage in, a process with the IICD to put their arms 'completely and verifiably beyond use'."
Saving and developing the peace process is a collective responsibility. The immediate reform of the RUC, at least in line with the proposals in the Patten Report, is an urgent requirement for the future of the peace process. So too, is the British Government's commitment to a timetable for the complete demilitarisation of its Armed Forces and facilities in Ireland.
"Prime Minister Blair and Taoiseach Ahern, we believe that there is an historic opportunity to resolve the conflict in Ireland by political means if all the parties to the Good Friday Agreement have the will and determination to see it through. The world is watching and we urge you not to let this chance slip.
"In the event of continued Unionist stonewalling of the peace process, we urge you to put the issue directly to the people by calling an election for a new Assembly. And we urge your governments to firmly support those in both communities who are genuinely bound by the 1998 Good Friday Agreement and who continue to promote a resolution of the conflict through political reforms and the peace process", their statement concluded.
The Guardian August 29, 2001