BAA building occupied this morning
who cares | 09.08.2001 12:05
Protesters are planning to remain barricaded inside the building for as long as possible. Meanwhile, supporters of the protest are gathered outside the offices at 130 Wilton Road, London W1 - alongside Victoria Station.
BAA is planning massive expansion of its airports, including a controversial 5th terminal at Heathrow, a policy which flies in the face of predicted (and already occuring) climate chaos. This action is another in what is becoming a movement for radical change to avoid climate chaos, with others including a recent blockade of Esso headquarters and a street party in Edinburgh.
If the government was to provide for the predicted growth in air traffic, it would need to build the equivalent of four new Heathrows by 2020. This would see carbon emissions rocket, and bring untold suffering to local communities.
Sam Madden of London Rising Tide said: "Aviation is the fastest growing source of carbon dioxide emissons. 'Sustainable aviation' is more corporate greenwash from a company which profits at the expense of climate chaos. There needs to be cuts of between 60% and 90% of carbon emissons, and fast. BAA's policies fly in the face of top scientific recommendations."
She went on to say: "BAA's boss, Mike Hodgkinson, says that any measures designed to cut emissons must take into account the need for economic growth and the growth of the aviation industry in the UK. We say that economic growth is killing the planet and enslaving its people, and no amount of greenwash, sophisticated pr and political backhanders can alter that reality."
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