Globalise Resistance 40 page Genoa mag now online
CarloLives | 31.08.2001 10:35
A lovely glossy 40 odd pages of news views and left / swp analysis of Genoa is hitting the streets now.
Called Resist (Official Zine of Globalise Resistance) it's 2.50 quid and this is the first issue with more planned.
It's got collected material and pictures - you can see it online at
(note to IndyMedia people - you get a credit in the mag but they don't print the web address which is a shame, especially as I recognise some of the texts. But more importantly they print your web address WRONG in the online version at, quoting INDYMEDIA.COM! - bloody dot coms!)
Info from the site:
To order Resist magazine please call our order hotline
020 8980 3005.
A full ordering service offering items such as T-shirts will be made available on this page very soon.
To enquire please email
editor: Citizen Demosthenes
news editor: James Meadway
news: Erin George and Donna Baillie
theory editors: Uri Gordon with Tim Turner
design and production: Marit (
internet design: Marc McLean
photography: Jess Hurd, Ludovic Turman and Zuky Serper
sponsorship and commissioning: Eliza Kenyon and Rebecca Morahan
production assistant: Jason A.
Resist would like to thank: Chris Blake, Hilary Westlake, Despina Mavrou, Christophe Chataigne, Steven Jones, Guy Taylor, Jess Halliday, Chris Nineham and John Myers. Also Socialist Worker, IndyMedia, SchNews, Bookmarks and The Observer. We have been unable to name all those who have contributed to this edition but would like to thank everyone who has contributed eyewitness reports, articles and photographs.
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