george | 22.07.2001 14:54
Why don't we all relax and stop blaming the Black Bloc.
I agree with comrades saying that the Black Bloc is just a tactic.
We, as anarchists, do not belong in any political party.
We believe that freedom can only be happening with the demolition of state and capital and every form of authority!
(in case some @suspicious@ don' t know what anarchist mean@
Anarchists have also been victims of police provocation. Just remember Pino Pinelli, Valpreda and many anarchists in history.
The matter of provocation is that police will use any method to stop resistance, even if that means provocation.
But if you really want to talk about secret agents, just take a llok at history. Communist death squads, Che-Ka (Lenin's secret police) and many more..
So who the fuck is more likely to be a cop?
Anarchists or communists and all leftist-reformists political party-animals?
By this I'm not condemning any sincere fighters, leftist, autonomous or independent, even ecologist fighters.
But you when you come to a point to condemn anarchists, who clearly show that they're always resisting to fascists and authoritarians, then you're the suspicious.
Of course, if you just want to reform the global dictatorship, e.g. higher wages etc., we just agree with you. But then we don' t have much in common. WE ONLY WANT TO DESTROY EVERY FORM OF AUTHORITY! If you're pretending (I'm talking to everybody) to participate in the revolution, and then simply become another part of state, like pseudo-anarchists (of regretted former-anarchists) did in Spain 1936-1939 (like Caballero, Monsegny and others who dared to participate in the government), then I wouldn't see you as my comrade.
But as another comrade mentioned, we're not all in Genova for the same reason. So, that's your problem...
And as Bakunin said @I am disgusted by communism...@
IMPORTANT NOTE: Of course, as aanrchists, we condemn all violent actions by police provocateurs, so if any cop-provocateurs made damage on cars and shops, of course I agree with you. But that's another matter, OK? NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO INSULT ANARCHISTS AND ANARCHY!
P.s.: Just take a look at the announcement made by members of BLACK BLOCK (on a-infos)about small shop and car looting. They condemn that! Or is this too complex for you to understand?
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