"Liars, Thieves, Murderers, and More"
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 14.07.2001 15:03
The owner of IMC is probably somebody like Bill Gates, and he or she is allowing this to continue because it was set up to be automated; and IMC can just claim ignorance. Access to www.inymedia.org. is probably being blocked to 70% of the earth, and many local IMC sites are not available to the residents of that locality. IMC is probably allowing these interlopers to steal these words away so that they can continue to lie and murder anyone who they please. Of course it is all probably being orchestrated by the "control center" of this perverted form of Zionism; i.e. England, or is that France? If you have read "Granada Group's Foolproof Folly" Id=51602, you would understand that Spain might be the "control center". Whatever the case I pray that you have learned to "Heed Not the Foolproof Folly" Id=49490. The lawlessness of these interlopers can be dealt with the same way, and there are those who are ready to do it, so let them keep it up, and keep track of them. Good day, my friends.
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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