Report from No-Borders Camp in Slovenia
anon | 06.07.2001 09:20
Activists from all over Central Europe are meeting in the small town of Petisovci, Slovenia, located at the border with both Hungary and Croatia. The main goal of the meeting is to facilitate communication with the local population, which faces many of the universal problems associated with the designation of national borders. The remote region has seen factories closed down as a result of the inefficient restructuring of Slovenian economy following the fall of Socialist federation of Yugoslavia in 1991. The shut-downs left a large percentage of the population unemployed or exclusively reliant upon small farms for subsistence.
In an attempt to escape poverty and the terrors of war, millions of so-called illegal immigrants cross the borders near Petisovci daily. Fearing the impact of this newly arrived labor force, the West is increasingly closing the borders to them. The Southern and Eastern borders of Slovenia are also part of the European Union's Schengen agreement, which positions them as a filtering service to keep political and economical immigrants outside EU. The crack-down by border patrols creates daily hardships for the local communities, as even tasks such as grocery shopping become an international endeavor.
The convergence of activists, currently numbering around 75 (expected to increase substantially over the weekend), hope to invite a dialogue with the local community to increase awareness on these issues. All are invited to participate in our planned actions, including: a Theatre Caravan at 1pm on Friday, July 6th, a presentation by the Ljubljana African Center at 7pm on July 7th, and the final NoBorder NoNation demonstration over the weekend. Following the camp, the People's Caravan will continue on to Carinthia, before departing for the Genova demonstrations against the G8 Summit on July 19th.
For a world without borders and without nationalities!
For dignity of all citizens of the world!