News from Nepal
? | 07.06.2001 16:48
The pepole are not accepting him and there are riots everywhere. Martial law has been impose and the conference is cancelled pretty much.A few of us are staying though and networking and supporting. The radical organisations that organised it have been outlawed under martial law and they fear arrest. A few of us have been caught up in demos on the street I think I have some good photos of the cops beating people with sticks but I was running as fast as I could at the time. 10 people have also been shot dead by the army.Ths is verty important to get out as they are refusing to let people report it. Also the only witness alive to the massacre has just been poisoned by the govt so there is no witness apart from the new kings son who people believe did it. The investigation commitee comprises of the ruling party only and is afarce. People are amazing here they have nothing but their bare hands and they are standing up to guns sticks knives I hope my photos are good. About 10 of us are keen to support the nepaese people and try and get the word back to our countries. We trekked into the peasant communites yesterday to share resources and food and they welcomed us like heros it was fucking incredible. But then we got trapped because the army said they would shoot us if we came back to our base. Crazy. We are reasonably safe becase we are forigners and we feel strongly about being part of making history. Nepal amy face civil war and the end of monarchy at this rate and it is a privilege beyond belief to be here. we are a tight knit group and hope to make some difference. I have to run again they are imposing curfew in half an hour and if you are outside you are get shot.
I will try and email soon.
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