Human Sacrifice Among the Sephardine
A. Nonymous | 06.06.2001 12:11
Lord Janner, says it revives a cruel Mediaeval lie and Dr.Geoff Alderman says it is voyeuristic and lurid and should be made available only to selected historians, under controlled viewing.
I am an amateur historian, I am also capable of deciding if the document is the ravings of a dissapointed explorer, as is claimed, or an accurate account of occult practices.
If it is a ‘myth’ then it ought to be denounced as such and buried. If it is the truth, then it has enormous significance, but no-one can make an educated analysis of a book you can’t read.
However, if it is published on the net, one automatically becomes a ‘Neo-Nazi’ for even reading it, far less believing it, but if it is just more Jew-baiting then what is there to hide?
A. Nonymous