Dear UK: Since the commentors on "Are Your Glitches Working?" UK IMC Id=4997 brought me to discuss what it was all about, I posted todays article to make clear the same points and some to the world. Now these lawless ones might claim that they have never taken up the "sword" against anyone because they used instruments like chemicals, drugs, needles, creative nonviolence, or some other indirect means to dispatch those who were not opposing them; the truth of the matter is that whatever means they used was their "sword". The point that I wish to make is that I neglected to inform you that if you oppose these lawless ones in a way that harms them; they will probably continue to move against you until they have eliminated you one way or another. Thus the Lord says: "...if anyone slays with the sword, with the sword he must be slain" (Rev. 13:10); "...all who take the sword will perish by the sword"(Matthew 26:52); & "...those who are for the sword, to the sword.." (Jeremiah 15:2). This doesn't mean that those who take the sword can't be Israelites, it means that they are certain to fall by the sword. If they are Israelites, upholding the law He set in Israel, they will probably be back here for the first resurrection (Rev. 20:5) in a few years. In other words once they take up that "sword", they will never be able to put it down. Sorry if I have promoted any misunderstanding. Best wishes. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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