On Saturday 5 May some 300 people gathered outside the U.S embassy to demonstrate against President George Bush's abandonment of the Kyoto treaty on climate change. The demo was called by the Campaign against Climate Change, and supported by groups such as Friends of the Earth, the Green Party, and Globalise Resistance. Also present were representatives of the Bangladeshi community due to this country's particular vulnerability to climate change. Speeches condemning the actions of President Bush were given and then protesters formed a human chain around the embassy. We then marched to the Maldives High Commission, again a country severely threatened by climate change, where a letter of support was handed in expressing solidarity against the actions of the United States. Much enjoyment was had by protestors and the march was greeted with smiles and waves by passers by. The mainstream media attended although it is not yet clear how much will be reported. This demo is part of an ongoing campaign against the US on this issue, further details available at www.campaignagainstclimatechange.net