"Protocols of God"
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 04.05.2001 15:27
I suspect that you will want to read "Justice Albany Style" Id=37604 for an update on the arsenical situation described in "Arsenical Anal Academics" Id=34929. In short this article describes how a moderate rainfall washed the arsenic on the streets into the lake, contaminating the water supply; thus they are now drawing water from the creeks which have been reduced to a trickle with no mention of what is happening in the news. Of course the doctors are always standing by to help "out" anyone suffering symptoms of arsenic poisoning. I want you to know that the most noticeable symptoms are probably stomach cramps, diarrhea, kidney pain, and pain in the eyes. Pain in the eyes is something that I have never found in research; but it is probably alluded to when they say "nervous manifestations". It is probably a sign of how arsenic affects our most sensitive neurological features. This arsenic-dumping business is probably happening all over the world as the lawless ones are apparently trying to fulfill the prophecy of the waters turning into wormwood. Maybe they will claim that the Mir Space Station was the "falling star" that caused this to happen.
If you seek out the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion that I refer to in "Their Own Tongues Against Them" Id=36936, you will find that everything that is happening today was planned a long time ago. You will also find how this includes wars, the May Day events, the conduct of the media, and much much more. Being of Irish blood and trained in horticulture, I would like to research the conditions that gave rise to the Irish Potato Famine to determine if it was actively promoted by interlopers; but I am sure that my access to the periodicals of yesteryear would be blocked. Maybe you can see if there is someone in your neighborhood who "cares". So the Id #s to all my major articles and comments are available through "Their Own Tongues.." and "Supreme "Narky" of the U.S." Id=31749. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger