Finland: "Nuclear power? YA BASTA!"
p. pompula | 04.05.2001 12:02
26 April 2001
Helsinki, Finland
26th of April was the 15th anniversary of the nuclear accident in Chernobyl, Ukraine. In finland a broad coalition of grassroots activists and environmental groups organised a mass demonstration against plans on a new nuclear power plant. Also white overalls - civil disobedients - participated with a banner "Nuclear power? YA BASTA!".
In the demonstration, a group of demonstrators wore white overalls as a symbol of civil disobedience and formed their own section in order to stress that there are people who are prepared to use active civil disobedience tactics as well, if the public opinion is ignored and if more nuclear power is going to be built.
Demonstration was in finnish scale very big - about 3.000 people participated - but it was only a beginning in the struggle against the plans on fifth nuclear reactor in finland.
p. pompula