bridge occupied in protest at nuclear shipment
CastorBoi | 27.03.2001 14:58
bridge occupied in protest at nuclear shipment
Activists from 15 nations including; Austria, the United States, Turkey, Holland, United Kingdom, Australia, Finland, Denmark and Sweden, were involved in the action. They were protesting against the resumption of nuclear shipments between France and Germany following a suspension of the shipments in 1998.
The Jeetzel bridge is on the rail route between Lüneburg and Dannenberg, where the Castor containers or flasks will be unloaded from the train and put on heavy lorries for transport to the interim storage at Gorleben. Two years ago it emerged that the bridge, which was 125 years old, was in need of repair. After that only passenger trains were allowed to go over it. The old bridge was in the end torn down and a new bridge built at a cost of approximately seven million German marks.
"As long as nuclear power plants produce radioactive waste by the tonne which is then shunted all over Europe, people will go on the streets to demonstrate peacefully against it," said Greenpeace's energy expert, Veit Bürger,. The many protests accompanying the nuclear shipment are a clear sign that nuclear energy is not socially accepted. The consensus on nuclear power has not changed this.
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