BBC and US Commission on Civil Rights expose Bush coup d'etat. LINKS. Drug war
illusion of democracy | 14.03.2001 09:53
Bush coup d\'etat in 2000 presidential election. Around 600 votes in
Florida won the election. Illegal disenfranchisement (voting rights blocked) of
tens of thousands of Florida voters. Especially blacks and poor whites. Voters
that normally vote overwhelmingly Democrat. Republican vote-rigging. Also,
Republicans\' legal, racist, felony drug laws, and voting rights
disenfranchisement. The new poll tax.
*Bush coup d\'etat in
2000 presidential election. Around 600 votes in Florida won the
election. The new poll taxes. Illegal disenfranchisement (voting rights blocked)
of tens of thousands of Florida voters. Especially blacks, Puerto
Ricans, and poor whites.
Voters that normally vote mostly to overwhelmingly Democrat. Republican
vote-rigging. Also, Republicans\' legal, racist, felony drug laws,
and legal felon disenfranchisement. The modern legal police state with the
illusion of democracy.
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*BBC and other
non-profit British media.
*U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
*Congressional Black Caucus on
Voter Irregularities and Voter Reform.
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Please forward. American media is not really reporting this yet. It looks
like the USA has joined Latin America by having its own coup d\'etat.
Voter registrations illegally "lost." Registered voters
blocked due to illegally-applied ID requirements at the polls. Illegal
police intimidation of voters through roadblocks, delays, searches, etc.. Felon
disenfranchisement laws illegally applied. Hours-long waits at polling places,
especially in precincts that vote Democrat.
Republican involvement in private corporations in charge of certain
aspects of voting records. Voting records put out illegally blocking
registration of many voters. Conscious neglect by Florida Republican politicians
and Republican election officials before the election.
The ILLEGAL disenfranchisement is in ADDITION to LEGAL felon
disenfranchisement, which, due to racist felony drug laws, especially
effects black drug law offenders. In Florida blacks voted nine to one for
Democrat Gore.
*CHARTS. Racism of
Republicrat Drug War. Revised. Many LINKS and notes. This racism
page has charts for black, white, and Hispanic inmate numbers and
rates in the USA; and U.S. state by state disenfranchisement (no voting rights)
laws. Many drug war notes, and LINKS to many more charts. Republican evil,
Democrat complicity. Republican-led drug war disenfranchises (no voting rights)
millions of voters (mostly Democrat-voting blacks).

-latest revision.

-older copy.
Non-profit British media give
first serious coverage of the methods of the Bush coup d\'etat.
*Silence Of The Lambs: The Election Story Never Told. By Greg Palast.
March 1, 2001. "I can\'t help but note that the Guardian and
Observer is the world\'s only leading newspaper owned by a not-for-profit
corporation, as is BBC television." BBC = British Broadcasting


*This is Greg Palast reporting from exile. Investigative
reporter and MediaChannel advisor Greg Palast writes a fortnightly column,
Inside Corporate America, for The Observer of London (Guardian Media Group). His
stories about the purge of Florida voters are collected on his Web site:

*A blacklist burning for Bush. "The more you look the more
disbarred and \'disappeared\' Gore voters you find. You\'d almost think it was
deliberate." By Gregory Palast, Sunday December 10, 2000, The
Observer. (UK).

-(2nd article)
U.S. Commission on Civil
Rights, and Florida voting irregularities. [TopLink]
"Voter disenfranchisement appears to be at the heart of the issue. It
is not a question of a recount or even an accurate count, but more
pointedly the issue is those whose exclusion from the right to vote amounted to
a \'No Count.\' "

The hugely overworked and under-funded U.S. Commission on Civil Rights at
a meeting on March 9, 2001 pointed out that they were the only government
agency officially investigating alleged Florida voting irregularities.
Up to that time the Commission had taken around 30 hours of open
testimony in open Florida hearings.
The March 9, 2001 meeting was covered by C-SPAN.
Members of the Commission pointed out that there were few mechanisms
nationwide for correcting or even investigating election problems.
One member said that the year 2000 election nationwide reminded him of
police departments 30 years ago before civilian review boards.
Another member pointed out the views of world-renowned,
election-observer and ex-President, Jimmy Carter concerning his problems with
U.S. election methods.
Congressional Black Caucus on
Voter Irregularities and Voter Reform. [TopLink]
This section\'s info is from an IndyMedia article that has been repeatedly
hacked, changed, and censored by forces unknown. This info has been even more
ignored by the mainstream U.S. media than the illegal black disenfranchisement
In Central Florida, thousands of Puerto Ricans were denied the right to vote.
Puerto Ricans tend to vote democratic.
According to Juan Figueroa, President of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense
Fund, thousands of Puerto Ricans were prevented from voting in such
areas as Orlando, Orange County and Hillsborough. His findings were made public
before the hearings held by the Congressional Black Caucus on Voter
Irregularities and Voter Reform. Figueroa alleges that many of the same
tricks used to deny blacks the right to vote throughout the state were used
against Puerto Ricans. Additionally, laws designed to provide linguistic aid to
native Spanish speakers were grossly violated, making it more difficult to for
Puerto Ricans to cast proper votes.
"Many Latino voters in Central Florida were turned away from the polls,
ignored when requesting language assistance, required to prevent additional
photo identification, and subjected to other forms of harassment, which resulted
in thousands, ...THOUSANDS..., of uncast votes," Figueroa testified.
"In response to these allegations, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund
sent lawyers down to Florida. A team of five lawyers have interviewed
scores of Latinos in the Central Florida region, and our conclusion is
clear: widespread disenfranchisement of Latino voters occurred in Florida in
this past election."
These allegations will be filed, as part of a suit similar to that
already filed by the ACLU, NAACP, and People for the American Way against
Katherine Harris. Both suits allege widespread and systematic
discrimination, under the Voting Rights Act, which demand specific redress.
A summary of the ACLU-NAACP lawsuit can be read at:

This site contains a link to the full complaint which can be downloaded.
MORE articles, organizations,
lawsuits, links, charts. [TopLink]
*Through Friday March 16, 2001 view "What really happened in

Greg Palast for BBC-TV\'s "Newsnight."
Read the transcript. BBC News | NEWSNIGHT | Florida transcript - 16/2/01.

* published Palast\'s report on Florida\'s ethnic
cleansing of voter rolls.

*The investigation continued in The Nation.

*Palast\'s Observer report on Bush campaign funding.

USA. 6.3 million people were on probation, in jail or
prison, or on parole at yearend 1999 -- 3.1% of all U.S. adult residents. [TopLink]

face=Courier New>_____________________














> Use MS Excel, or other spreadsheet, for wk1 files.
Use Adobe Acrobat for pdf files. Of the 1,284,894 prison inmates at
yearend 1999 there were 135,246 in federal prisons, and the rest were in
state prisons.
U.S. Drug War Incarceration Nation CHART. [TopLink]

face=Courier New>________________
> #RATE is the number of inmates per 100,000 population. Prison counts are for December 31. Jail counts are for June 30. U.S.
resident population is for December 31. U.S. territories population of
4,294,087 is for midyear 1999. In addition to inmates held in
prisons and jails, there were 135,759 more people behind U.S. and
territorial bars: An
August 2000, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), report gives 1999 numbers of 18,394
in U.S. territorial prisons (U.S. Territories and Commonwealths -- American
Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands),
7,675 in facilities operated by (or exclusively for) the U.S. Immigration
and Naturalization Service, 2,279 in military facilities, 1,621 in
American Indian country jails, and 105,790 in juvenile facilities (as of
October 29, 1997). *Jail rate in 1928 estimated
as 50% of prison rate. Prison rate plus jail rate equals total
incarceration rate. Click Adobe Acrobat t636.pdf link below for 1928 to 1978
prison rates. BJS: "About 1 in every 137 residents in the United
States and its Territories were incarcerated [in 1999]."












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illusion of democracy