NTK campaign to save SchNews
elec40 | 27.01.2001 16:19
Our pet theory that Brighton's SCHNEWS is written in a
protest tunnel - or maybe up a tree - have been confirmed,
albeit at terrible personal cost. The lives of several
helpless PCs of that direct action zine have been brutally
ended, due they claim, to excessive dampness in their
"offices". But what do you care, reading this in your suit
and tie and sensible shoes? When you started in this
business, you had dreams, didn't you? I remember talking to
you about them in that field off the M25. Going to create
some sort of artists community Web forum, weren't you? Well, sometime after you've finished that Gantt chart for the new ad sales inventory system, why don't you see if you can send the Justice? kids an old PC or something, and prove you
STILL CARE. HUH? +44 (0)1273 685913 And tell them to get
their hair cut, while you're at it.
- they'll kill you last, I'm sure.
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