Disappointing Documentary on 1968
Vince Eremos | 26.11.2000 15:33
But this wasnt it: although interviewing Tariq Ali, the still active de facto "leader" of the action, it also included many less welcome, indeed pointless people with spurious recollections. This is the "I was there too" approach, and it is flawed; it assumes that any bemused passer by or dweller in Mayfair has a valid point of view, even coppers. Moreover, this documentary sought to bury the impact of the action and subsume it into a "shared" experience- a grandad's tale that brings us all closer together.
Was it Howard Jacobson who remarked that another way to expunge an experience from the record is not to pretend that it didnt happen (a crude and exposable ruse), but to pretend that it happened to everyone. This documentay seems to put 1968 in that mould.
Vince Eremos
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