Anti Nazi League Demonstration
Matthew Sellwood | 12.11.2000 20:43
Unfortunately, this demonstration (and I mean no offence towards those involved in its organisation) didn't seem to have been publicised very widely, or, to my knowledge, for a long period of time. Therefore, there were only approximately 60-80 anti-nazis, and probably the same number of National Front members marching. Whilst additional numbers would have been good for pressing home our message however, in truth it would have been impossible to break through police lines and actually block the facists without hundreds of demonstrators. The police presence was extremely large, and the protest split up and reassembled several times before the NF finally made their appearance at around 3.20 pm. We were pinned in quite effectively, and despite some individual attempts to break through to the NF members, who were gloating in their typical smug way, we were restricted to chants of 'Nazi scum, off our streets!'. Having got to the Cenotaph, the NF milled around for a little while, one of their number seemed to make a little speech, and then they decided descretion was the better part of valour and marched off with their substantial police escort towards Trafalgar Square, away from the picket.
Next time, in my opinion, this event should be publicised far more widely. A Nazi march on the Cenotaph is outrageous to many 'ordinary' people, and with a little work, our numbers could easily triple. Whatever their views on anti-globalisation etc, a lot of people remain virulently anti-Nazi.
Matthew Sellwood
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