25.9.00 - Waterloo Station, London: NoBorder demands free movement for people
Ionnek | 25.09.2000 23:14
NoBorders activists claimed free movement for people in Waterloo Station,
to the taxi stalls. From there they can be put back on a train to France or Belgium, sent to a detention center or put in substandard accommodation with mainly vouchers to survive on. Activists stuck up a poster at the holding
pen. Immediately, people around reacted: One passer-by tore it down, another, seeing this and obviously liking the poster, asked the activists to put up another one!
Under the slogan "money moves - why can't people", NoBorders connected the strictly monetarist policies of world bank and IMF to one of their consequences in London: the border regime. Many of the refugees being
detained in the Waterloo holding pens are escaping extremely harsh economic conditions which are a direct result of political decisions taken by the world bank and IMF.