IMC UK | 14.08.2000 21:28 | Indymedia
multinational and other corporate entities attempting to influence convention policy and action decisions.
multinational and other corporate entities attempting to influence convention policy and action decisions. Based on the increasing priority that independent media centers appear to have received by protests and activist organizations after N30, the coverage will likely attempt to
record law enforcement operations, particularly during the marches, and even more so if physical response is used by local law enforcement at any time during the protest and activist events.
Highly effective, relatively low-cost video camera equipment, coupled with wireless communications and Internet connectivity, can provide protest and activist groups with the following capabilities: First, the ability to capture powerful images of events that can be documented as captured or edited to portray events from any perspective organizers may chose. Second,is a means for nearly instantaneous, worldwide dissemination of the
orientation these groups may wish to emphasize in employing the wireless and Internet links.
International Monetary Fund and World Bank 55th Annual Summit - Prague,Czech Republic - September 26-28, 2000: September 26, 2000, ("S26") has been identified as a so-called "Global Day of Action," based on activists'
perceptions that the capitalist system exploits people, societies and the environment for the profit of a few, and is the prime cause of social and ecological troubles. On September 26, activists will express their opposition to the World Bank and the IMF and their policies. The "S26
Global Day of Action" proceeds from the successes of the previous "Global Days of Action against capitalism" on June 18 (J18) and November 30 (N30)of last year. Sabotaging, wrecking, or interfering with infrastructure has been identified as a possible action in support of S26. Independent media coverage is being incorporated into the planning of S26 activities.