DEAN LOREN | 09.08.2000 18:24
Washington D.C/New York City - Dean Loren, Esq. has filed racketeering
charges against US Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg and NY State
Chief Judge Judith Kaye. The Petition filed in US Supreme Ct. - Loren v.
Marry and federal brief filed in the 2nd Circuit - In re: Loren, details
the racketeering entereprise used to rig judgeships in New York State with
federal judges named like John Walker, Ralph Winter, Edward Korman, Jon
Newman, Jose Cabrenes, Guido Calebresi , Kimba Wood, and others.
Loren has also filed a motion before Chief Judge Rehnquist demanding the
review of the last 7 year financial disclosures of key federal judges. At
issue is the 2nd Circuit's estimated 1.34 billion dollar pension plan
portfolio and its refusal to publish 90% of its cases involving sitting
judges with financial conflicts of interest. "Ginsburg's $4 million profit
on inside trading and the involvement of Connecticut's John Walker, George
W. Bush's cousin, may just have cost the Republican's the Presidential
election," says Loren, "Of course, US Senator Lieberman, Gore's VP nominee
had to know something about the racketeering enterprise run by his close
friend Jon Newman, former Chief Judge, and two wrongs don't make a right."
Currently, Loren is assisting Gisella Weisshaus, lead plaintiff in the
Holocaust Survivor suits against Swiss banks, in exposing the conflicts of
interest by Eastern District Judge Edward Korman and Special Master Judah
Gribetz, former President of the Association of Presidents of Major Jewish
Organizations. "Its pretty clear that Judge Korman intends to make Jewish
Organizations the beneficiaries leaving the Holocaust Survivors pennyless.
Some of these Jewish groups don't even have standing" says Loren, "and most
if not all have connections with Gribetz."
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's retaliation escalated when Loren blocked the Twinn
Cities v. Timmons case involving cross-endorsement of judges given cert by
US Supreme Ct. Judge Clarence Thomas. "If I hadn't read Judge Fagg's 8th
Cir. decision and started an all out writing campaign against Ginsburg, the
US Supreme Court would have sanctioned the cross-endorsement of State Judges
and the year 2000 would have meant the end to democracy in the US Judicial
system. " Loren says.
The 2nd Circuit refuses to publish any decisions involving corrupt
cross-endorsement schemes and disclose conflicts of interest shared by
judges and their patrons.
Loren was blacklisted when he exposed (1) the Westchester 7 Deal - the only
written judge rigging deal in history outlining the three year deal made
between New York State Democrats and Republicans for a key Surrogate seat,
and (2) posession of stolen documents and extortion by Hughes Hubbard &
Reed, the law firm of former US Supreme Court Chief Judge Charlie Evans
Hughes, and Fordham Law School.
Loren currently hosts the popular New York City Television "New York Dirty
Judges" and " D.C. Dirty Judges" in Maryland and is the New York 15th
Congressional Candidate for the Green Party .
Dean Loren can be reached at tel. (212) 534-9366,
email - dean_loren@hotmail.com
or by mail 411 East 118th Street, Apt. 11, New York, New York 10035.