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M2N: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Cops_on_way_at_Edinburgh?=
Loads of cops are moving towards the convergence center!G8 Carnival Timeline
"Carnival for Full Enjoyment" is supposed to start at 12, but things are already happing in Edinburg. Please call in 07901-778 062 or 07050 686 844 to report from the streets.BP and Shell garages closed by direct action in Edinburgh today
Direct action against the oil industry and the G8 started early today in Edinburgh....Faslane: First report
Protestors arrived at Faslane. At the moment the midges are a bigger problem then the cops...Faslane Blockade: Timeline
A 'Really Really Big Blockade' type direct action by Trident Ploughshares (TP) and CND is planned for Faslane nuclear submarine base. Coaches left from Glasgow and Edinburgh. This timeline gives news as they are coming in the dispatch phone at 07901 778 062 and 07050 686 844.24 police vans seen heading north
Late Sunday afternoon, the People's Patrol spotted three convoys of police vans, a group of 8 motorcycle police and a tractor trailer loaded with steel barricades.Edinburgh Public Action - 6th July
Public Action in central Edinburgh on the day of blockades, the 6th of July.Make Poverty History - Black Bloc and Police
Photographs of Black Bloc and Police at the Make Poverty History March.SCUM8TEK 2nd July - A million sound systems and no bob!
The Scum8 Teknival went ahead in London this weekend as an antidote to the Live8 crap...Why we are protesting the G8: Make Poverty History march
On the Make Poverty History march I asked: "What do you hope to achieve? And why is marching the way to achieve it?" Here is what I heard.Anti-G8 graffiti in Edinburg
Anti-G8 feeling is in the air, on the streets and on the walls of edinburgh.IMC G8 Newsblast - Sat 2nd July - Collected Reports
(please post any additional reports from other imc's and alternative media coverage below)