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Photos from Ramallah, West Bank and a short report.
Here are three photos from Palestine showing the Apartheid wall and the stopping nad searching of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers.Protests and Counter-Inauguration at Bush Coronation
Heard about the protests at Bush’s inauguration this week? No? Little attention has been paid to the protests, but some ten thousand people gathered in Washington DC to register their opposition to the Texan tea-leaf, and smaller demonstrations occurred all over the US.Review of Danny Schechter's new film `WMD - weapons of mass deception`
This is a detailed review with photos of independent filmmaker and Emmy award winning journalist Danny Schechter's latest film `WMD - weapons of mass deception`.Projectile - Anarchist film festival in Newcastle
An interesting mailout about the Anarchist Film Festival in Newcastle - the programme and the films and the events confirmed so far.nature, culture, and indygenous struggle for autonomy under threat from road bu
three recent articles taken and translated from chiapas indymedia which explain the current situation in the mexico- guatemala border area, in the lacantun nature reserve. the governement is building a huge bridge to prepare the way for the transnationals and "progress", perhaps lets call it sustainable development. only that the zapatisas hold autonomous comunities in the area, and that we are resisting everywhere. dissent!g8'Elections Furore': Second film from Palestine:
Elections Furore [2005; 6min]The Balata Film Collective have just released their second mini-documentary about the Palestinian National Authority elections.
Download it now from
`Dear Mrs Blair` shows at the Scottish Parliament.
This is a short report with photos of the showing of the film `Dear Mrs Blair` at the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 13th January 2005.Victims of over-exploitation and climate change
Over the last couple of breeding seasons there have been many reports of birds dying by starvation. Sea birds are under severe pressure from a shortage of sandeels, the primary food source for the chicks of most British-breeding seabirds, and an important staple for adults.An injury to one is an injury to all!
There is a direct connection linking the abuse of animals with the abuse of human beings. When humans exploit and abuse animals, it legitimizes ALL abuse of power. Animal abuse legitimizes child abuse,sexism, racism, homophobia, ethnic prejudice and all the ways humans exploit each other.Lords of the WEF, MIttelerde schlägt zurück
Dieses Jahr burnen wir an der anti-WEF-Demo das Gurtenfestival, das Bierhübeli und das Stadttheater gemeinsam. Deine Meinung, Dein Friede, Deine Füsse. Künstler, Musiker, Freunde für eine gerechtere Welt.Für die farbigste aller Demos dieser Tage!!