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Ewa Jasiewicz deportation appeal hearing.
Appeal for support for Ewa Jasiewicz who is threatened with deportation from Israel.thoughts from a UK activist in New York
It has been an extremely interesting week here in new york, I have never been at an event that has had such a consistent level of protests, actions, meetings and creative responses spread over more than a week. There have literally been thousands of people on the streets every day since friday protesting against the Bush agenda.Protest at Nestlé Perrier Awards at Edinburgh Fringe
The mainstream media applaudes the win of an unknown comedian at this year's Perrier Awards, usually mentioning past winners such as Emma Thompson and Steve Coogan. Yet both these past winners and many other comics have called for a boycott of the Perrier over the malpractice of its parent company, Nestlé.RNC/NYC Anti-War Protest Interview With Sue Niederer, MFSO Anti-War Mother
An interview with Sue Niederer conducted after the mass Anti-War march today in NYC.Report of Iraq War Crimes Tribunal
This is a short report of the Iraq war crimes tribunal which took place in New York on Thursday 26th August.BOLIVIA: farmers occupy oilfield (La Paz, 16th of august 2004) - In the early morning of 16th of august hundreds of farmers and communards of El Chore in the northeast of Bolivia occupied the facilities of the multinational company British Petroleum and paralyzed the oil production. The occupation of the oil field marks the beginning of a new wave of protests, which develop in the rural area of Bolivia: further actions are carried out in the south of the country, where the gas export to Argentina is threatened to get interrrupted, while marches to La Paz are prepared by landless farmers from different regions . after La Paz.Workers Without Bosses: Solidarity With Argentina's Self-Managed Factories
The workers of Brukman, one of about 200 self-managed factories in Argentina, need your help. Although they recovered their factory at the beginning of 2004 and are running it again, the factory has been damaged by police action, and many of the machines are not running at full capacity due to lack of spare parts and repair manuals.The Fourth World War: Interview with Rick Rowley of Big Noise Films
From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on Terror' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq, comes a feature-length documentary from Big Noise Films. The product of over two years of filming on the inside of movements on five continents, "The Fourth World War" is a film that would have been unimaginable at any other moment in history. Directed by the makers of "This Is What Democracy Looks Like" and "Zapatista" , produced through a global network of independent media and activist groups, it is a truly global film from and for our global movement.
Rock Around The Blockade Press Release, Scotland. Monday 23rd August 2004
On Sunday 15th August the people of Venezuela went to the polls to voice their support for President Hugo Chavez. They were determined to say to the wealthy elites of their own country and of the United States that it is they, the people, who will decide who runs the country.Mass blockade of Faslane nuclear base - Over 70 arrested! Mass disobedience!
Faslane BLOCKADED 23rd August 2004!!! Over 70 Arrests at Carry On Up The Clyde!72 people, including four members of the Scottish Parliament, have been arrested during the blockade of Faslane naval base on the Clyde.
Ewa Jasiewicz Speech in Dublin 21 June 2004 (audio)
{ photos & audio by redjade }Maybe next Olympics should be held at American Prisons?
Maybe next Olympics should be held at American Prisons?Video.Edinburgh demo in support of the Bolivarian revolution of Venezuela
Edinburgh in support of the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuelasee video at
review of CAMCORDER GUERILLAS' Venezuelan event
Review of the video screening of 12th August - Venezuelan Night, 7.30pm in MONO in Glasgow.Report of Venezuela Solidarity day in Edinburgh with 6 photos
Here is a short report with 6 photos of today's Venezuela solidarity march in Edinburgh. Six photos of the day are attached as well as an AP (Associated Press) article on the election turnout.Venezuela Bolivariana: People and Struggle of the Fourth World War
Free download of the film "Venezuela Bolivariana: People and Struggle of the Fourth World War", a documentary about the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela and its links to the world-wide movement against capitalist globalization.Venezuela Solidarity Demonstration at Edinburgh Festival
A spontaneous demonstration in solidarity with the people of Venezuela took place in Edinburgh, Sunday, 15th of august, co-inciding with the simultaneous referendum against Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, and initiator of massive social reforms benefiting the poor. The Edinburgh Fringe festival also co-incided with the demonstration, lending a high profile of publicity to the cause of the demonstration, particular when the demonstration with comedian Mark Thomas accidently met the Edinburgh Samba School, the party rocked.
An open letter to Greece
An open letter to Greece:to its authorities, its media and its citizens