20-08-2007 11:12
This audio report made by phone from those locked-on at Sizewell B nuclear power station was made at around 11am Monday 20th as part of the 24 hours of action against climate change. Those involved explain what they have done and why they are doing it.
20-08-2007 07:27
A group of five people have locked to concrete blocks in the entrance of Sizewell nuclear power station. They started the action at 7.45am this morning and unfurled a banner reading 'nuclear power is not the answer to climate chaos'.
16-08-2007 12:55
Couple of pics of the IMC public access terminals at the climate camp.
The tent is open for a total of four hours a day, over two main time slots and is running on a mixture of wind and solar power.
12-08-2007 16:17
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A temporary and experimental phone service has been launched especially for the week of the Camp For Climate Action. It provides easy access to news taken from the indymedia newswire and info from the climate camp web site for people who are visually impaired or unable to read a computer display for other reasons.
0207 043 3783
09-08-2007 09:13
08-08-2007 09:54
Sunday Express August 5th 2007 pp50-51
FAISAL KHAWAJA, 28, above, trained in photography and had been assisting a professional advertising photographer -working for clients such as Mercedes, BT and Starbucks -for only a year when he says he began to feel III using mobiles and wireless laptops
28-07-2007 01:30
Today the BBC made it official -- they have been corrupted by Microsoft.
With today's launch of the iPlayer, the BBC Trust has failed in its most basic of duties and handed over to Microsoft sole control of the on-line distribution of BBC programming. From today, you will need to own a Microsoft operating system to view BBC programming on the web.
27-07-2007 20:01
AN APPEAL for help in a battle against an 02 mast has been made by residents in Surrey.
12-07-2007 10:52
Interview with Andrew of
http://www.engagemedia.org, an Australian project to provide independent video hosting, distro, networking and more for the Oceania region. They have just launched Plumi, a packaged up version of the free and open source Zope/Python/Plone based software that can be used to create your own video publishing site.
07-07-2007 15:21
Security Expert Bruce Schneier says the problem with ID Cards is that they will make Identity theft easier, resulting in a nastier crime with a lot more Dame to individuals.
19-06-2007 16:16
Calum Douglas presents his investigation into the flight data recorder from Flight 77 to an audience at the Indian YMCA in Fitzroy Square, London on 8th June 2007.
16-06-2007 11:17
Unbelievably, at least three British pubs are using CCTV cameras in their loos - and the number is growing as a national chain has plans to install more cameras around the country.
11-06-2007 17:27
on sat 9th june, hundreds and thousands of bare bottoms paraded the streets of london on their bikes.
um, why?
10-06-2007 01:10
Alarmed residents in Islington, London, UK, have highlighted a truly disturbing habit of local CCTV camera operators - spying into homes.
15-05-2007 23:52
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The Shepard Group annual conference on Electronic Warfare was successfully disrupted by activists Tuesday afternoon by a surprise action.
14-05-2007 11:53
Green activists today marked the tenth anniversary of Tony Blair coming to power by visiting his best friends in industry to highlight the revolving door between Labour and the aviation industry and his failure to tackle climate change. A team of protestors from climate action group, Plane Stupid, are blocking the ‘revolving door’ to BAA’s Heathrow HQ to oppose government and industry plans for airport expansion.
09-05-2007 20:03
The more observant of you will have noticed the creation of a new link in tne top navigation menu on IMC UK, the link to the new mobile version of the site. You might have also noticed moves towards providing a new publishing gateway to help mobile contributors. This weekend there will be a chance to hear all about these initiatives and have your say...
02-04-2007 16:02
Haringey Independent Cinema - a community based film club involving local resident's associations, Haringey Solidarity Group, and community activists are holding a one day film fesitval on Saturday April 14th.
30-03-2007 16:51
Over the last few weeks a crack team of developers have been slaving away on an experimental new version of the indymedia site that aims to deliver improved access for the growing number of internet enabled mobile devices. Try it out yourself...
27-03-2007 00:26
A new indymedia mailing list has been created to help facilitate communication and collaboration between photographers working on environmental and social justice reporting. If you regularly go out to document protests etc with a camera, please join this list.