08-10-2015 09:50
The end of Aryan civilisation happened last night when Nadiya Hussain from Leeds won the Great British Bake-Off. White nationalist keyboard bakers everywhere went ape shit over a Muslim woman managing to win a televised baking contest. From the EDL to Britain First, NF and National Action, foamed at Nadiya destroying western culinary civilisation with an act of Halal white flour genocide.
04-10-2015 15:22
Steve Mann AKA Seth Mould, an EDL-supporting Conservative Party activist from Blackburn, based in Bolton, is the marketing director at Accrington's Bakehouse Studios, and used twitter to support acts of arson against mosques, and racially abuse Muslims online. With 34,000 followers including many professional followers within the UK music industry, www.twitter.com/SethMould sickeningly expressed absolute joy and pleasure at the recent devastating criminal attack on the London Ahmadiyya mosque.
30-09-2015 15:35
If you ever wondered whether the Daily Express opinion scripters were, and what their actual views are - We have discovered the twitter account of one of their journos who writes their xenophobic pro-UKIP opinion columns, professional Manchester racist journalist "Christian Black" who sickeningly mocks the victims of racial hatred, and posts openly racist remarks about President Obama. Such are the vile opinions of this particular Daily Express staff member.
27-09-2015 06:55
Numbers ever dwindling as they continue to slither into insignificance on the far right scene, the EDL turned up in Colchester to march against immigration, much like the National Front have done over the last few weeks. They even managed to muster an Uncle Tom oblivious to his own immigrant origins, however nobody can pretend they are not a spent force on the far right, the same tired and weary eccentic old faces dominating as the stalwarts continue to waste bus and train fares to their pointless demos.
19-09-2015 22:24
From all superinflated hype posted online, one could be forgiven for thinking the whole country held a soft spot for Pegida UK, even though nobody came out to follow them in Newcastle. 400,000 unicorns apparently supported them according to their online propaganda, however teaming up with the dregs of the EDL for a pointless anti-immigrant march in London, they could muster less than 15 fascist nobodies (described as 150 in a sympathetic article posted on Demotix). The highlight of the day came when a pigeon opened his bowels upon a speaker with a daring, decisive dive-bum-ing manoeuvre.
19-09-2015 08:36
At 5pm today, what remains of the Pegida UK neo-nazi group will be goosestepping near Downing Street, London, and claim that it "will be the largest march of its kind", promoting it via Facebook, Twitter and the Daily Express website. On the "Daily Kipper" comments section (on an article about Halal in ASDA) they claim that 400,000 British Unicorns support Pegida UK. Fanciful thinking by the braindead Hitler-worshipping fash, but nevertheless, the minibus full of Pegida pricks need to be sent packing by ANTIFA.
07-09-2015 03:22
Our people are welcome in Europe!
Defend our people, oppose white supremacy racism!
Oppose Nato and death squad wars and destabilisation in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia etc
15-08-2015 20:57
Recently, due to a joint cooperation of the Tel Aviv and Paris municipal
government, a section of river bank in Paris was turned into “Tel Aviv sur Seine” , complete with falafel stands and “Israeli nightlife. Of course in order in order to promote Israel. No promotion
of a 48 years occupation power with as ´´falafel´´ the Gaza Blockade and as ´´nightlife´´
bombings of Gaza and shooting of Palestinian children. On the Gaza beach.
14-08-2015 21:01
As part of the First Annual Malcolm X Summer Festival, the Malcolm X Movement is organising this event: Opposing Imperialist Army Recruitment. End Gurkha Recruitment in the British Army
30-07-2015 14:53
Journalist, film-maker and author, John Pilger is one of only two to win British journalism’s highest award twice. For his documentary films, he has won an Emmy and a BAFTA. His epic Cambodia Year Zero is ranked by the BFI as one of the ten most important documentaries of the 20th century. "John Pilger unearths, with steely attention to facts, the filthy truth and tells it as it is" (Harold Pinter). "Pilger’s work has truly been a beacon of light in dark times" (Noam Chomsky).
30-07-2015 10:26
The violent fascist thugs of the EDL are linking up with their Hitler-loving chums in the National Front this Saturday to intimidate attendees of the refugee solidarity event happening this Saturday in Folkestone. Despite continued denials that the EDL have become a full-blown neo-nazi organisation, they have agreed to participate in a joint protest with the 14 words Southern branch of the National Front, their aim to violently confront Folkestone United campaigners. Antifascists, turn up to defend them from fascist thugs!
21-07-2015 20:25
Good afternoon. My name is Oleg. I am a member of the anarchist and anti-fascist movement in Russia. For a long time I was a member of Autonomous Action and coordinator of the local group Autonomous Action Izhevsk.
Now I was seriously ill because of the severe brain injury that caused me to neo-Nazis during the attack. I would be very happy if hlt someone helped me, because I am no longer 10 years has been an active fighter for freedom and justice.
I really need help to pay for the treatment of the effects of brain injury. Unfortunately, my income is not enough to fully treated, so I beg you to help me.
13-06-2015 15:16
The usual crowd of EDLers and associated far right nutjobs gathered in a car park in Dudley to march un-noticed to a deserted park to give speeches to fellow fascists, chanting the usual range of racist and Islamophobic chants including "if you hate p*kis, clap your hands". Not only did the police fail to take action. They also turned a blind eye to blatant Adolf Hitler salutes.
11-06-2015 01:57
Hereby I post the forbidden texts of writer and refugee activist
Joke Kaviaar, who is convicted by the Highest Dutch Court to two
months conditional imprisonment because of the exposing of
the inhuman Dutch policy against refugees.
No man or woman is illegal!
30-05-2015 16:39
No surprise there. A tagged EDL thug was spotted yesterday in North London with EDL, KKK and Swastika tattoos. He was, as par for the course, wearing an electronic tag on his ankle.
28-05-2015 23:24
Gary Davis has been exposed as UKIP's worst ever hypocrite. A loather of Muslims and immigration, and a follower of bluehand, he decides to leave Britain and immigrate to a Muslim country - Indonesia, whilst bleating on all day and all night about stopping Muslims from immigrating to the UK.
06-04-2015 15:10
Tower Hateful - the tales of the vulnerable, the disabled and the deprived
02-04-2015 04:18
One year on from the Look How Far We’'ve Come: Getting Racism Back On The Agenda? Conference, BTWSC and African Histories Revisited (AHR) return to the Abbey Centre in Westminster, for a special three-in-one event on May 14.
23-03-2015 00:19
15 photos from the demonstration at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh to protest against far right group Pegida. The racists failed to make an appearance however and perhaps the far right are on the back foot. It pays to be vigilant though.
22-03-2015 20:46
A report of a large anti-racism demonstration in Glasgow on Saturday 21st March with 20 photos.