05-06-2004 11:28
Migration related groups from Europe are calling for a meeting in September to discuss and coordinate for migration related events at the ESF in London. To find out more, contact
05-06-2004 09:28
An Basic Introduction to the ESF in London - October 2004
03-06-2004 08:52
Join us on Sat 12th June to map out possible projects and strategies around the european social forum planned for October this year... from supporting existing projects like the NOMAD DIY open source translation infrastructure, to supporting autonomous spaces and using wi-fi to link spaces inside the ESF, outside the ESF and on the streets, radio and video streaming, alternative media centres and reporting, experimental media labs etc etc
Some initiatives are underway already, others are yet to be imagined...
02-06-2004 20:12
The European Creative Forum Presents Visions of Another World - a series of monthly events every 2nd Saturday...
09-05-2004 14:48
Appeal for volunteer Interpreters and translators:
06-05-2004 10:48
03-05-2004 23:38
ECF + UK-ESF Culture Working Group call a Joint Culture & Creatives Assembly to discuss "How can Culture activate the ESF and interest in it?"
This is an ESF awareness and benefit event with an array of stimulating, awakening and creative activities from music and mime; painting and poetry; dance and debate; theatre, talk and cinema; seminars and workshops.
30-04-2004 13:59
Privacy International invites for a public meeting on ID cards in London, 19th May, while the economist warns that the real threat to privacy comes from government databases.
08-04-2004 11:30
The is a problem with videoing in the alternative as the is always a small number of "conspiracy" minded people who feel that "they are out to get them" and in the majority of alt-meetings the are no clear guide lines to allow a consensus on the subject of openness/closeness, thus videoing is often band. At the ESF the are clear principals that every one involved agrees with thus a real consensuses is possible if people are interested in achieving one. At the beginning of the meeting I put to the chars a good workable proposal about filming the meetings that would have clearly respected peoples need not to be filmed for whatever reason real or imagined.
05-04-2004 13:36
Info on the protests and alternative events around the European Economic Forum in Warsaw, (28-30 April 2004) - from IMC Poland: http://pl.indymedia.org/pl/2004/03/4412.shtml#english
31-03-2004 16:13
“The World Social Forum will always be a forum open to pluralism and to the diversity of activities and ways of engaging of the organisations and movements that decide to participate in it”
31-03-2004 13:15
Our globalisation masters, so good in ripping off the people, have
decided this time to have their meeting in Warsaw. They have an
invitation from the polish president and with a weakly prepared
alter-global movement there, they expect to have nice & relatively calm
29-03-2004 13:27
In mid November, my partner Loppy and I were approached by Oli of Manchester Social Forum as we passed through the Metropolitan Police and Special Branch welcoming committee at Waterloo Station which greeted our return from the Paris ESF. Over a cup of coffee in the station concourse we became willing recruits to the efforts to democratise the ESF, and to broaden its focus to include a proper recognition of Green issues.
17-03-2004 14:03
The videos are in realmedia format at modem quality if you need a good media play for windows download media player classic - do a googol search with the correct spelling (:
16-03-2004 14:37
The London organising process has been a battle ground of different world views and organising techniques. The ESF process was brought to the UK by a small un-representative group, who then finding that they couldn’t, contradictable, keep control of the ESF in line with the principals that underline it closed the process to all but this small group by traditional authoritarian hard left strategies. In doing this they nearly destroyed the London ESF, it was only saved at the Europe wide meeting when they completely backed down and let lose all the techniques of exclusion that they had built up on paper. Though this paper change has not yet grown into an open cultural change.
15-03-2004 17:29
12-03-2004 20:34
Remaking Internationalism
Social Forums and the Politics of Global Solidarity
MP3 of talk by Tariq Ali, recorded at the recent "Remaking Internationalism" event organised by the Radical Activist Network.
12-03-2004 05:23
This proposal was originated and endorsed at the recent AGM of Colchester Peace Campaign, attended by around 40 people. Activists from local movements resisting war, racism, GM crops, the commodification of education and privatisation, plus others, wish to initiate / join / expand the social forum process amongst movements in the east Anglian / Essex region.
08-03-2004 13:13
Social enterprise such as the London ESF can contribute to London’s role as a global financial centre.
08-03-2004 10:51
hi, an individual posted her own minutes of the ESF meeting on sun feb 29 on the esf2004 website. Looks like in future, minutes of "official" esf meetings will only be posted to those who subscribed to it. Would be nice if someone would fwd future minutes of official meetings to imc, or the esf 2004 website ;-)