decided this time to have their meeting in Warsaw. They have an
invitation from the polish president and with a weakly prepared
alter-global movement there, they expect to have nice & relatively calm
28-30 April
Our globalisation masters, so good in ripping off the people, have
decided this time to have their meeting in Warsaw. They have an
invitation from the polish president and with a weakly prepared
alter-global movement there, they expect to have nice & relatively calm
Polish society has been very ripped off in the past and in the present
(highest unemployment level in Europe), it is depressed and doesn't
believe in any kind of resistance or independent creation...
Above all polish society don't know what is all (WTO or globalisation)
So it would be nice to prepare some presence there...
PREPARATION MEETING on the caravan towards Warsaw
Friday (2nd April) 19.00, 154-156 Fortress Road
Bank - Free Space Social Centre
next to Tuffnel Park Tube Station
The aim of the meeting will be to arrange in such a busy term
(Dublin&Berlin)Caravan to represent in Warsaw alternatives to the
present crisis.
It is idea to make among other events - during countersummit (
a cultural event (spreading information, knowledge and fun) in some industrial site (or other relative site) including lectures and presentations on 'what is goning on'and about (going on) alternatives.
We're looking for:
- pink and silver representavies & samba band
- cabaret cafe
- musicans/poets/sound systems/exhibitons other arts
- artists of the streets
- involved in 2004 European Social Forum
- invovlved in any other initiatives for our worlds (permaculture,
ecologic architecture, alternative economic systems, alternative
societies & cooperatives)
more info:
contact (here in Britain):
alternatively -