UK G20 London Summit Newswire Archive
G20 in the news
18-03-2009 03:19
Summit police fear attacks on hotels used by the G20 leadersLondon police gears up for massive deployment for G20 summit
British police are gearing up for one of the biggest street security deployment for the G20 summit, which will be attended by top leaders from 22 countries, after protesters threatened to bring chaos to London. An estimated 5,000 police force will be deployed for the April 2 G20 summit, with tens of thousands of protesters preparing to descend on the capital and the Excel centre.
Protest for a better world at the G20 summit
18-03-2009 00:01
40 NGO's and trade unions are calling for a mass protest at the G20 summit at the end of March under the banner of "Jobs, Justice and Climate."G20 Anarchist Militias to the City
16-03-2009 16:21

Buenaventura Durruti.
Important G20 update from the Camp for Climate Action
13-03-2009 13:29
What follows is an important update about timing and texting for everyoneattending the Climate Camp in London's Square Mile, April 1 during the G20 Please forward this to your mates and any
lists you are on.
Stop The War g20 Demo April 1st - lame picket of US Embassy
13-03-2009 13:27
"The leaders of the world’s big powers will meet at the G20 summit in London on 2 April.It is Barack Obama’s first visit to Britain. It is our chance to demand a change from Bush’s war policies."
Hence a lame picket of the US Embassy in Grosvenor Sq on April 1st. Talk about not really taking the opportunity for something better.
G20 London Summit costs £6 million to stage
11-03-2009 10:55
The up and coming G20 financial summit to be held in London's Excel Centre, Docklands on April 2nd is costing the taxpayer £6 million to stage.Promo Video - Pro-Capitalists gather for G20 in London April 1st
10-03-2009 17:56

The Summer Of Rage Starts Here! - Call from London Anarchists
07-03-2009 14:59

G20 London Summit: A rebellious call for days of action
March 28th - April 2nd 2009
"Top secret" G20 venue revealed
07-03-2009 08:35
G20 Finance ministers are to hold pre-summit talks in southern England next weekend, Saturday March 14, ahead of the main event on April 2-3.Climate Rush RBS London
06-03-2009 13:29

G-20 Meltdown Flyers!
05-03-2009 22:52

Bristol Dissent g20 Call Out
03-03-2009 16:58
An Anti-authoritarian call-out for resistance to the London G20 SummitG20 SUMMIT IS COMING TO LONDON attempt to re-build confidence in global financial markets.
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Summer of rage? It's a figment of febrile imaginations
03-03-2009 12:52
Kevin Smith, a participant in last years Camp for Climate action responded to the Guardians police propaganda piece on the so-called 'Summer of Rage'. Other papers have been churning out the same spin. Kevin says that senior police officers are trying to frighten people off protesting about climate change but the climate camp have been fighting back. The media team initiated a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission about the article, "Anarchists plan Cityriots for G20 leaders' arrival in London" by Robert Mendick and Niger Rosser, which appeared in the Evening Standard and Daily Mail on 20th February. The complaint has already resulted in the headline and content of the article being changed on the papers websites. Last year complaints such as these solicited retractions and apologies from several papers.
The Arrogance of Capitalism
01-03-2009 14:47
Mandelson, Labour's most neo-liberal minister says to keep the Royal Mail public, it must be (partially) privatised (!). He today also accused the unions of "fighting an ideological battle" - now, remember everyone, we all decided ages ago capitalism is great.Senior police officer warns of “summer of rage”
27-02-2009 20:32
A senior officer in London's Metropolitan Police has issued a public warning that Britain could experience a wave of demonstrations and direct-action protests this year as a result of the economic crisis.Proposal for anarchist/anti-authoritarian presence at 'put people first' demo
27-02-2009 18:38
The 'Spring offensive' against the G20 is shaping up to be a major event in the anarchist calendar this year, and also a massive opportunity to gain exposure and expose thousands of people to our message.ManchesterG20 meeting Thursday the 5th
27-02-2009 15:10
As a result of our last meeting it was agreed to host another on Thursday the 5th of March to co-ordinate and organise responses to the G20. This meeting will start at 7pm in Meeting Room one in the Manchester University Students union on Oxford Road.Flier for G20 protests
27-02-2009 12:50

Crisis is Business as Usual! - Protest the G20
27-02-2009 09:41