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UK FBI Server Seizure Newswire Archive

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Questions in the the House of Commons over the FBI server seizure

09-11-2004 22:54

Several written questions have been tabled in the House of Commons by MPs some of them have been answered... Read on for all of them... see the Ahimsa Gone and Returned: Responses to the Seizure of Indymedia Harddrives article for more of the story...

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M.P.s sign petition in support of IMC-UK

07-11-2004 22:22

After a posting 'Petition by MP's over Indymedia, GATS, Venezuela and Colombia' detailing the parliamentary petitions that his local MP sent him one indy contributer sent me the list of M.P.s that have signed it
the wording of the petition is
'this house expresses deep concern at the seizing of web servers belonging to he independent media organisation Indymedia; request that the Home Secretary explains under what authority their wholly independent news service was prevented from functioning; and expresses its disquiet at this attack on freedom of speech via the internet'.

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Hard-disks nailed to the italian consulate in Dijon (fr), in solidarity with IMC

06-11-2004 21:35

Trophy of shame nailed to the italian consulate
In solidarity with Indymedia, a gathering/action was called in Dijon, France, in front of the italian consulate. Hard-disks were nailed to the front-door, a banner was deployed and flyers distributed, in order to put pressure upon italian authorities and inform the public about the Indymedia network and the ongoing repression against dissident media. Report below.

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Mark Thomas article

06-11-2004 20:33

the Statesman with Mark Thomas giving the server issue and Indymedia a plug
thought you might like it......

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Petition by MP's over Indymedia, GATS, Venezuela and Colombia

06-11-2004 18:46

After some dialogue with my labour MP, Harold Best, i recieved a letter including a selection of petitions, covering Indymedia, Venezuela, Colombia and Ghana.

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Harddrives nailed to Italian consulate in Dijon France

04-11-2004 22:54

The harddrives being nailed in place

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Spartacist League/PDC Protest Crackdown on IndyMedia

04-11-2004 18:31

The Spartacist League, revolutionary Trotskyist party, and its fraternal political prisoner defense organization, the Partisan Defense Committee have protested the assaults on IndyMedia through their newspaper, Workers Vanguard. "...We stand in fullest solidarity with those courageous journalists who struggle to tell the truth against the repression and lies of the American imperialists." Here is the article.

---- Varlet

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Indymedia server grab - Home Office knew, but isn't telling

04-11-2004 12:44

Almost a month after Indymedia servers in London were seized by agencies unknown working for states unknown, a parliamentary answer suggests that the Home Office does know who seized them, and under what authority. But it's not telling.

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Indymedia solidarity action in Grenoble, France

02-11-2004 23:46

An italian bank has been targetted by the "pirate paint" group, as a solidarity-action towards Indymedia, against the seizure of its hard-disks. This is a press-release claiming responsability for the action.

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Home Office refuses to comment on IMC server seizure

02-11-2004 22:44

The Home Office refuses to comment on the seizure of the Indymedia servers in this letter dated 27th October 2004 from Caroline Flint MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, the minister responsible for international crime, in a response to a question from MP Glenda Jackson, CBE.

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New Statesman article on server seizure

30-10-2004 19:09

What the FBI did
next (in London)
On 7 October, the London premises of Rackspace, a Texas-based company that houses and manages web-server computers used by Indymedia - the independent, internet-based global information service - received a surprise visit. A couple of men turned up, seized two web servers and promptly shut down 21 Indymedia sites.

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Boycott Rackspace

28-10-2004 16:44

Rackspace is a corporate profit player, located in Texas, which happily handed over Indymedia's servers to, presumably, the FBI. Such a company is untrustworthy and it is our responsbility to let as many people as possible know that Rackspace is on the other team: if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the pollution!

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Court Challenge:Demands Information About the Seizure of Indymedia Servers

26-10-2004 18:54

"Silencing Indymedia with a secret order is no different than censoring any other news website, whether it's USA Today or your local paper," said Kevin Bankston, EFF attorney and Equal Justice Works/Bruce J. Ennis Fellow. "If the government is allowed to ignore the Constitution in this case, then every news publisher should be wondering, 'Will I be silenced next?'"

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International Press Institute letter to David Blunkett

22-10-2004 09:55

The International Press Institute based in Vienna a global network of editors, leading journalists and media executives issued this on 20th October.

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Early day motion about Indymedia

21-10-2004 14:22

An early day motion has been submitted to parliament about the Indymedia server seizure.

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Indymedia: the tale of the servers 'nobody' seized

21-10-2004 13:59

Indymedia: the tale of the servers 'nobody' seized, Home Office in a state of denial.

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Indymedia Answers from MP

21-10-2004 11:42

Richard Allan and Jeremy Corbyn have asked the home office about the indymedia seizures

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Sheffield Indymedia Press Release

20-10-2004 10:35

Press release from Sheffield Indymedia regarding the stolen servers on October 14th 2004.

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Protest FBI Crackdown on Indymedia!

19-10-2004 20:45

Government Seizes Servers: Protest FBI Crackdown on Indymedia!