Germaine Greer is recognised for her hatred of transgender persons:
The Australian Greens, Senator Janet-Rice

Caroline Norma is a lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University, and a member of Amnesty Australia:
RMIT contact details for Caroline Norma

Caroline Norma shares the views of Germaine Greer, that transgender persons are invalid human beings. That transgender persons should be publically dissected and ridiculed. That the life of a transgender person is a lesser life.
Germaine Greer and Caroline Norma hate transgender persons, which is their right. However, transgender hate speech is not freedom of speech, it is a hate crime.
Responding to Caroline Norma's article supporting Germaine Greer's hatred of transgender persons, a womyn became suicidal, under the weight of the out pouring of hatred.
There is no way to contact Luna to see if she is alright. She matters not to Caroline Norma, nor to the ABC online "Religion and Ethics" web page. Luna isn't a womyn, she is a lesser human being in the eyes of Germaine Greer and Caroline Norma, and the ABC "Religion and Ethics" staff and the staff at RMIT agree.
I disagree. I disagree very strongly. So strongly in fact that I am doing all I can to stand against this tide of hatred and it hurts. It hurts like hell, but if a person considers themselves in any way a decent human being, then one must stand up and be counted, whatever the cost.
As a transgender person, I would not feel welcome or safe studying at RMIT.
RMIT, a teritary institution based in Melbourne Australia supports the views of Caroline Norma. Views similar to Cardiff University, where students have taken action against Germaine Greer and transgender hate crimes.
The article in full:
Transgender hate speech is not freedom of speech, it is a hate crime.