Their research has turned up many interesting finds which conflict what is being taught in history lessons across the country.
Amongst the most sensational findings are:
King Arthur II is a real historical figure and High King of Britain.
King Arthur’s brother Madoc, had sailed to America, before sailing with his brother for a second time, making a home in Kentucky.
A meteor struck Britain and Ireland in 562AD, making the country uninhabitable and ending the Arthurian reign.
That ancient British history and it's alphabet is being suppressed by the British Establishment and has been since the 17th century.
That Jesus Chris survived his crucifixion and having come to Britain with his family in 33AD, is buried in a known grave in England.
In the early hours of Sunday 14th August 2011, a sudden and violent fire broke out from underneath Baram Blackett’s bed. He subsequently nearly died and remained in a coma for 11 days.
As a potentially fatal fire, the Fire Brigade would have conducted a more thorough investigation in connection with the police, but no such investigation happened.
Under further inspection, Baram Blackett and Alan Wilson discovered evidence of an incendiary device placed under the floor boards, directly under Baram Blackett’s bed.
As of yet no investigation by their local police force has been conducted and the person(s) responsible for the attempted murder of Baram Blackett are still at large.
To read more about their research, start with 'Arthur- The War King'.
You can buy the book from the website..
You will never look at our history in the same light again.
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My dad the UKip candiate, and me his anarchist son met Mr Hall
13.08.2013 17:05
My UKip dad and me went to see Richard D Hall on his tour last year, I went for a laugh, it was painfully boring.
My old man, who is a closet racist UKip candiate and Mr Hall were having a good chat afterwards about all sorts of things, despite Richard going on about aliens and an evil government/ etc for hours he seemed quite biggoted... when my old man introduced me as his "misguided" anarchist child...
Rich and his entourage of geek trainspotter conspiracy-name-droppers all thought they could talk down to me, assuming I was somesort of bumkin krustry hippy who has no idea of whats "really going on..."
I tried putting the topic on his TV episode he where he focussed on the student riots in 2011 and the shit he had spouted, as I was a physical witness to something that happened that he completely misinterpreted...
he gave me an an 'Alex Jonesesque' reply and tried to insist all the 'anarchist black blocers' are led/infiltrated by '30 something-year-old-Mi5 agents etc... "most of those protesters are lankly teenagers, and timid but then you see one whos about 6ft tall and built like a shit-house wearing a northface jacket, fearlessly kicking the policemens shilds, they look like they're trained in close quater combat"
No they look like a pissed off people who hate the cops.
Richard D Douche