Swansea Blitz 1941 + Swansea NF rally 2013
Swansea NF demo co-organiser Luke Pippen
Luke Pippen & Shane Calvert (from North West Infidels)
Nigel Sullivan on NF rally & with KKK at the Blood & Honour concert
KKK lynch golly & make Nazi salutes at Blood & Honour concert
On the 9 March 2013 the Nazis came back. The National Front organised a "White Pride" (sic) rally in Swansea, followed that evening by a concert of the Nazi music organisation Blood & Honour, which takes its name from the motto of the Hitler Youth.
Despite drawing Nazis from all over the UK, predictably the NF rally in Swansea was tiny, but during the Blood & Honour concert hooded Klansmen made Nazi salutes and lynched a giant golliwog to mock victims of racist murders and to symbolise their intention to murder black people.
The NF rally and Blood & Honour concert were both organised by David and Bryan Powell (who also performed in the concert) and Luke Pippen
Photo 1 - Swansea Blitz 1941 + Swansea NF rally 2013 (demo organiser Luke Pippen seated left with goatee beard, co-organiser Bryan Powell standing with red jacket, also note Nazi salutes)
Photo 2 - Swansea NF demo organiser Luke Pippen (Nazi tattoos plus Swastika flag also bearing the slogan Blood & Honour and name of the Nazi rock group Skrewdriver)
Photo 3 - Luke Pippen & Shane Calvert (from EDL splinter group North West Infidels) on the NF "White Pride" rally in Swansea, 9 March 2013
Photo 4 - Nigel Sullivan on the NF "White Pride" rally & making Nazi salutes with the KKK at the Blood & Honour concert in Swansea, 9 March 2013
Photo 5 - KKK hands raised (top), making Nazi salutes & lynching golly (centre), plus small photos (bottom) of KKK + David Powell (red shirt, guitar) and Chris Lewis (blue dungarees, banjo) performing at the Blood & Honour concert in Swansea

Hide the following 58 comments
venue details?
11.03.2013 10:35
what sort of venue thought that hosting this concert would be a good idea?
who owns it/ holds the licence?
wondering if there's anything people from other places can do about the venue...
11.03.2013 11:48
Venue details
11.03.2013 13:32
David Powell, Nigel "Taff" Sullivan + Bryan Powell
11.03.2013 14:15
David Powell, Nigel "Taff" Sullivan (note facial tattoo), Bryan Powell
They borrowed Luke Pippen's Skrewdriver / Blood & Honour / Swastika flag
More Photos @Eddy – Eddy Stampton
11.03.2013 14:21
Eddie Stampton, NF Swansea - standing, 2nd from right (above letters "Sou Nat")
Eddy Stampton at Golden Dawn rally, London, 19 Jan 2013
Eddy Stampton homage to dole hostel where Skrewdriver lunk Ian Stuart lived
Second Photo - Eddy Stampton at Golden Dawn rally, London, 19 Jan 2013
Third Photo - Eddy Stampton paying homage to the dole hostel in Kings Cross, London where Skrewdriver lunk-head Ian Stuart Donaldson lived before Ian Stuart ran away to Derbyshire (not sure whether this photo was taken in Kings Cross, or whether Stampton just nicked the hotel sign)
Far from defending "Christian" culture, Eddie Stampton is a Satanist and a drug dealer
Wannabe Nazi serial-killer Darren Clifft
11.03.2013 14:54
Photo 2 - Darren Clifft (holding flag), Alex WMI (green bomber jacket)
Photo 3 - Darren Clifft praising serial killer Anders Breivik and posing in the KKK hood he took to the Swansea Blood & Honour gig
Carwyn Wood - Welsh Nazi
11.03.2013 15:14
Carwyn Wood on NF March 9 Swansea demo
Carwyn Wood (far left) on earlier South Wales NF demo
Carwyn Wood
Photo 2 - Carwyn Wood (left of photo) on earlier South Wales NF demo + Chris Lewis in green bomber jacket and red boots, David Powell in red jacket
Photo 3 - Carwyn Wood - mug shots
Ironically this muppet spent many years living as an immigrant in Spain. Earlier on-line activity showed he's a Combat 18 supporter.
Watch Carwyn Wood "Kick the Reds"
11.03.2013 15:15
Ken Dodd
Swansea Blitz
11.03.2013 15:37
Blood & Honour - Adam Lloyd
11.03.2013 15:43
Blood & Honour - Adam Lloyd
Note "Valley Commandos" flag on wall behind
Tommy Johnson
11.03.2013 15:45
Wayne Baldwin, Janni Hagglund, Luke Pippen
11.03.2013 16:17
Wayne Baldwin (ex-EDL) on Swansea NF demo, March 9th
Wayne Baldwin, Janni Hagglund, Luke Pippen (older photo)
Janni Hagglund (sorry, couldn't resist) (older photo)
Swansea music teacher & Nazi Chris Lewis
11.03.2013 18:18
Chris Lewis - in Nazi folk band Waredigaeth at Blood & Honour concert, London
Chris Lewis - Nazi salute, Nazi flag, Blood & Honour T-shirt
Chris Lewis - beating drum for NF march (with race-hate criminal Richard Edmonds
Chris Lewis - tattoo
Chris Lewis - Rattled + music teaching (click to enlarge)
Chris Lewis, David Powell, unknown dickhead, Wayne Baldwin
Photo 1 - Chris Lewis, playing banjo in Nazi folk band Waredigaeth at the last Blood & Honour concert in London (wearing the same blue dungarees he wore at last weekend's Blood & Honour gig in Swansea)
Photo 2 - Welsh Defence League era photo of Chris Lewis - Nazi salute, Nazi flag, Blood & Honour T-shirt
Photo 3 - Chris Lewis in 2012, beating a drum for the NF Remembrance Day march (where Nazis insult British war dead), alongside life-long NF activist & convicted race-hate criminal Richard Edmonds (glasses, Barbour jacket)
Photo 4 - Even by Nazi standards, this tattoo is revolting
Photo 5 - Chris Lewis performing as a member of the folk group Rattled (note orange Rattled T-shirts) and teaching music
Photo 6 - Chris Lewis (left, orange Rattled T-shirt), David Powell, unknown, Wayne Baldwin
Talk about someone who blew his chance
11.03.2013 18:20
Swansea Klan - mock lynching - clearest photo
11.03.2013 19:15
Swansea 2013
Spotter Cards?
11.03.2013 19:16
Could someone put together a spotter card of their details? No doubt a lot of them will come to Brighton for the March for England and it would be good for anti-fascists on the ground to have details of who is who, handy.
There will be squads out actively hunting for nazi scum to have some frank political discussions - and they'll be more interested in white suprimacests than silly loners with misguided ideas of muslims.
Bullet For Them
b and honour
12.03.2013 02:44
im not black, so i pass the first test.
i aint a nazi or anything, or even a sympathiser!
benson and hedges
Another nazi identified
12.03.2013 13:58
Criss Banjo Lewis, JoJo Meadows & the KKK
12.03.2013 14:08
JoJo Meadows (Swastika shirt) at the B&H gig
Criss "Banjo" Lewis / Chris Lewis of Rattled on-stage with the KKK
Photo from Criss / Chris Lewis social media site
Adam WMI
12.03.2013 17:19
Alex WMI's real name is Adam Thom
12.03.2013 18:28
Darren Clifft in KKK hood with face visible
12.03.2013 18:30
EDL protestor Darren Clifft
Video of b+h performance
12.03.2013 19:05
Eddie Stamped On
12.03.2013 22:51
concerned of gipton
Welsh KKK founded by sex offender Allan Beshella
13.03.2013 00:33
Welsh Klan founder and sex offender Allan Beshella
Racist violence shot up after Beshella moved to Wales
Not Darren Clifft
Indy mods
13.03.2013 10:19
So, we had one Blood & Honour thug post above (using the name "ES" - Eddie Stampton?), also admitting he committed violent assaults on the Brighton demo, thereby proving the point about Brighton on both counts...
But unfortunately IMC mods spiked his comment - yet again removing exactly the wrong information from Indymedia
Sharpen up
Welsh Nazi - Adam Turner / Hughes?
13.03.2013 11:06
Welsh Nazi Adam Turner... performing for Blood & Honour in 2013
At the time of his work for the Welsh Defence League
Group photo with Swansea NF / Combat 18
But maybe his surname might be Hughes?
Be aware some Nazis (like Adam's friend "Earl Turner" aka Luke Pippen) adopt "Turner" pseudonyms to ape characters in the "Turner Diaries" (the Nazi terror book that inspired serial-killer David Copeland) - so, since this gentleman indicated on Facebook that his parents surname is Hughes, possibly his real surname might be Hughes? In the group photo he can be seen (red boots) posing alongside Bryan Powell & Wayne Baldwin etc. On Facebook he described himself as a former student of the (very posh) King Henry VIII Grammar School in Abergavenny. He's aged a bit since most of these photos were taken. Please post any more info / clarifications....
Chemical Road
Adam Turner, caption contest
13.03.2013 11:10
Adam Turner at Blood & Honour's Ian Stuart Donaldson memorial concert 2009
Caption contest
Venue info was WRONG - Indy mods - urgent action please
13.03.2013 12:21
Sincere apologies to the venue in question. The venue should however blame the Nazis for deliberately including them in the false information they spread about their plans however
Valley Commandos Motorcycle Club, Abercynon
13.03.2013 17:14
... then click on "11 people like this" (top right), then click on "Mark Owens", which will take you to this page...
... then examine Mark Owens friends list. More importantly the Valley Commandos club house is covered in Nazi regalia -
Commin, loud & large, to a Sussex street soon............
13.03.2013 20:21
Enoch was right
13.03.2013 21:20
Case in point is the Abercynon Health Centre, where Sri Lankan and Gujarati doctors serve the interests of the white working class, while a tiny handful of Ku Klux Fuckstains of the South Wales NF celebrate the regime whose Luftwaffe butchered the people of Swansea during the Blitz.
Indy mods - re Brighton
13.03.2013 21:23
The War
Chris Nazi Music Teacher
14.03.2013 01:50
If we knew which one it was, we could get in touch with the LEA and also the local newspaper also.
He's probably a fucking paedo also.
Let's get the sick bastard the sack!
still curious
14.03.2013 02:03
"can you tell us a bit more about the venue?
what sort of venue thought that hosting this concert would be a good idea?
who owns it/ holds the licence?"
can anybody tell us which venue was used then, if not the one mentioned on hnh?
and who is legally responsible for the venue?
and can we do something about them?!
still curious
14.03.2013 14:48
@AFC + @still curious
14.03.2013 14:51
@still curious - the Indy mods STILL HAVN'T removed links to inaccurate info about the venue (inaccurate info which was supplied by Hope Not Hate btw), however the actual venue was the Valley Commandos Motorcycle Club in Abercynon - see above
NF candidate Adam Lloyd + Eddie Stampton drying out a very moist hand
14.03.2013 14:56
NF candidate & Swansea protestor Adam Lloyd
Eddie Stampton trying to dry out a damp hand
14.03.2013 14:58
Swansea NF - David & Bryan Powell
Welsh Nazi and former BNP candidate Sion Owens
14.03.2013 16:17
Noise Snow
hard as nails
15.03.2013 19:03
''well tough ''
15.03.2013 19:55
Regards COG
concerned of gipton
Hard? Lard?
16.03.2013 09:22
Yes, shaving your head, putting on weight and wearing combat gear can create the superficial appearance of an intimidating presence, but as a case in point, on one demo SDL rent-a-plumps visibly struggled to run up a (short) flight of steps. You should always be careful just in case, but in reality the ones to be most concerned about are skinny ones like Darren Clifft, he's actually a martial artist, unlike most of these gimps
16.03.2013 13:56
tough shit
16.03.2013 19:13
easier to walk up to them now and take piss, can always run away as long as they are fat and slow like you said. thanks for tip i'll be walking up to them next time and take piss
South Wales NF - death penalty for Allan Beshella?
17.03.2013 17:21
Criss Lewis + Sion Owens (plus possibly Roger Phillips)
Roger Phillips from South Wales BNP
The guy on the right, looking down, is probably BNP Wales activist Roger Phillips
As for the other banner (held by the woman) - are South Wales NF calling for the death penalty for Allan Beshella?
Valley Commandos - photos from inside the club house
19.03.2013 00:09
Definitely the same wall
Warning - note samurai swords (might not look much, but they're lethal)
Valley Commandos - SS flag - still from the video
19.03.2013 00:13
Valley Commandos Abercynon Nazis
Adam Turner - Blood & Honour Nazi from Abergavenny - Recent Photos
19.03.2013 00:45
Click on image to enlarge
Blackout (Nazi band) song-sheet
Grown adult, Nazi nut-hatch, and mummy's boy...
He's mates with all the usual Blood & Honour knuckle-heads like Val Drury and "Battle of Waterloo" veteran Mick McGarity; and parental love is a wonderful thing, but this guy's parents have lost the plot completely (see screen-caps)
Blood & Honour London Division
21.03.2013 20:52
Blood & Honour
Blood & Honour NSBM Division - Noossffeerraattuu
Valley Commandos MC have hosted Nazi gigs before -
25.03.2013 10:28
Nazi Powells on Facebook
26.03.2013 11:56
someone's got themselves nicked for this...
28.03.2013 11:51
(News also on Welsh Antifa somewhere)
Honest guv! Supreme commander! Your Highness!
30.03.2013 23:01
Who broke
30.03.2013 23:05
Fist strike
Tommy Johnson - Nazi salute
04.04.2013 20:26
Tommy Johnson - Nazi salute - earlier photo
Tommy Johnson - South Wales NF demo
New photo – underneath one of the KKK hoods
04.04.2013 20:29
Darren Clifft + Nazi chum at Valley Commondos MC
Darren Clifft arrested under the name CHRIS PHILIPS
02.08.2013 18:24
Black Country man appears in court over 'mock golliwog hanging' -
A Black Country man has appeared in court to face racial hatred charges after he allegedly posted footage on YouTube in which he apparently staged a mock hanging of a lifesize golliwog. Christopher Philips, 23, of Willenhall, faced two race hate counts when he appeared before Walsall magistrates on Wednesday (July 31). Philips is accused of using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with the intention or likelihood of stirring up racial hatred. He is further charged with playing a recording of sounds intending to, or likely to, cause racial hatred. The charges relate to a gig following an extreme right-wing ‘white pride’ march held in south Wales on March 9 this year, when it is also alleged Philips wore a Ku Klux Klan outfit. He allegedly posted a video on YouTube three days later. Philips did not enter a plea to the charges and was told by magistrate Patricia Whistance his case would be sent to Wolverhampton Crown Court on October 24. Philips, wearing a grey suit, white shirt, light blue tie and sporting short brown hair, was granted bail on the condition that he lived at his home address, observed a 9pm-7am curfew, reported to Bloxwich police station twice a week, and did not post anything on or access social media sites including YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
The Partisans