9 March demo publicity, on the SWNF website
9 March demo publicity, enlarged
WDL demo, Swansea, 17 Oct 2009 - note flag & banners
The same WDL flag & banners + Nazi salutes
Powell brothers (right, with moustaches), Swansea demo, 17 Oct 2009
Bryan Powell (baseball cap) stewarding EDL demo, London, 5 March 2010 (2 photos)
Powell brothers (Swastika shirts) with Wayne Baldwin (Swastika tattoo)
The Powell brothers became notorious after being photographed among the Sieg Heiling Nazis of (Casuals United founder) Jeff Marsh's EDL branch the Welsh Defence League, during the WDL demo in Swansea, 17 Oct 2009; but, after the Powells had been exposed as Nazis, the EDL still chose Bryan Powell to steward an EDL march in London, 5 March 2010.
Since the WDL collapsed after being exposed as Nazis, the Powell brothers founded the South Wales NF group, with Bryan also playing in a godawful folk band Waredigaeth ("Deliverance"), alongside banjo teacher and ex-WDL goon Chris Lewis (aka Criss Lewis, aka Banjo Lewis, last known address Pontarddulais, Swansea), at the SWNF Xmas Party and at the Nazi organisation Blood & Honour's last social in (literally) an old shed on the outskirts of London.
Although in practice SWNF consists of little more than the Powell family and at best a couple of dozen friends (Chris Lewis, Luke Pippen, Steven White, Ken Davies, Wayne Baldwin and former BNP candidate Sion Owens etc) the Swansea demo is likely to draw supporters from the North West Infidels, England's Golden Dawn, Casuals United and other Fascists who've advertised the demo on their Facebook pages etc. Although the NF demo isn't likely to be well attended, if we can't beat Fascists when they're weak, we definitely won't beat them when they're strong, and making a strong show of opposition to these Nazis sends an important message to Fascists across the UK and overseas and to figures in the right-wing establishment who might be considering whether they can work with these thugs (Fascists have often been used for strike-breaking in industrial disputes, for instance).
Exact details of the "White Pride World Wide" demo have yet to be announced, so the National Campaign Against Fees & Cuts say the "counter-demo will take place starting in Castle Square, Swansea at 11am, but details will be updated as new facts emerge"...

All photos hacked from social media websites
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