01-09-2008 11:05
C P Gajurel, head of the International Department of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) will be speaking about recent developments and the current situation in Nepal in central London on Tuesday 16 September. The meeting has been organised by the Britain-South Asia Solidarity Forum.
28-08-2008 14:52
Open invitation to the IWW’s Saturday night social from 7pm onwards.
23-08-2008 17:48
After Carnival Party, Monday 25th August, 7pm-2am at The Good Ship 289 Kilburn High Road, London
19-08-2008 11:12
Workers are set to strike over management bullying and the sacking of two colleagues.
18-08-2008 22:44
On Thursday the RMT called a demo outside the offices of ISS, a contractor that employs London Underground cleaners. Not only had there been a lot of bullying and intimidation of union reps and members by management. But to hit a new low, ISS had been exploiting new immigration rules to arrange ‘appointments’ for their employees, many of whom are immigrants and refugees. In some case that could mean people being deported to torture and death.
The RMT were also joined by No Borders and other supporters who briefly occupied the lobby of the firm. Police were called and those inside where removed. They continued the demonstration outside where they made a hell of a racket for quite some time. One person was arrested for reasons unknown.
13-08-2008 00:23
Campaigners gathered outside Holloway Prison, London on Sunday 10 August to remember all the women who have died there, to protest against all deaths in prison and to remember the massive contribution to the struggle against prison brutality made by Pauline Campbell, who died earlier this year.
07-08-2008 22:53
CENSIS, an Italian Institute for social investment (see below) issued its latest report.
1,170 workers were killed in the workplace in 2007.
In Italy in 2007 there were twice as many workplace deaths and 8 times as many road deaths as murders.
But the government is focusing all its energy on combating crime.
Giuseppe Roma, Censis Director General said: "It is very clear the distortion between real dangers and the steps that have to be taken to combat them. Measures are not in place in workplaces and roads to ensure that Italian citizens are safe there. People often think a road death is just an accident but the figures from other European countries show this is not true”.
07-08-2008 17:26
The Children of the Eco Warriors will lead the Children's Revolution march with children of local residents from the site of the Camp for Climate Action near the Kingsnorth power station on Saturday.
06-08-2008 15:22
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The relentless campaign of intimidation by the police against the Camp for Climate Action continued during the night.
Around 2 am the police switched off the floodlights at the front gate and rushed in four riot vans blasting out Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries which was the theme music of the film Apocalypse Now and also Adolph Hitler's favourite music.
05-08-2008 00:21
More than 2000 mainly UK Bangladeshis were robbed of their hard earned cash via an outfit called 'First Solutions' the details of which theft became known in the end of June 2007. 14 months on, most of the people have not got their money back
04-08-2008 16:29
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On Friday teachers from Wembley who are militantly opposed to their local sports ground being turned into a Thatcher inspired nightmare called ‘City Academy’ occupied the offices of ARK the company who will immediately benefit from this appalling decision.
Shit that’s a long sentence, my English teacher would be disgusted…. anyway the teachers in question are just a little bit tired of not having their calls returned. So decided to make their representations in person.
Details and further hilarity below:
03-08-2008 13:09
31-07-2008 19:50
On 26 July 2008 RATB held a successful live music event in Brixton, south London, to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Moncada attack, the spark of the Cuban Revolution.
29-07-2008 15:32
A man was arrested by plain clothes Police following an incident early on Monday morning during a strike by station attendants at Elephant and Castle Underground station. RMT members were staging a strike at the station over the sacking of Jerome Bowes a member who had been involved in a scuffle with a drunk traveller on News Years Eve. At around 6.30am a man who was described as well dressed approached the picket line and allegedly shouted “You never stick up for white people do you?”. He then punched one of the pickets in the face and attacked RMT president John Leach with a traffic cone. The incident was witnessed by two plain clothes Police officers who were driving past. They stopped and followed the man down onto the station platform where he was arrested.
RMT member Joe Thompson was left with a bloody nose and split lip said: “After what happened to Jerome I was afraid to defend myself as I have people at home depending on my wages”.
More here:
27-07-2008 16:59
Students and striking local government workers united to picket a London School of Economics (LSE) event in Starbucks on Kingsway, Holborn last week, in opposition to the university’s and coffee chain’s support for the state of Israel's occupation of Palestine.
25-07-2008 08:28
A small demonstration called by London IWW in support of a radical union, 'Workers' Initiative' (Inicjatiwa Pracownicza) in Poland. The demo was called to support WI members being discriminated against in the Polish postal service, and particularly the sacking of a member - Bartosz Kantorczyk - for his lead role in a wave of strikes last year.
24-07-2008 21:43
London bus drivers march to city hall demanding pay parity among the private companies who run London's buses.
18-07-2008 19:32
Bartosz Kantorczyk, a member of The Workers' Initiative Trade Union in Gdansk in Poland and the initiator of postmen strike in November 2006, has been unlawfully dismissed. The unionists in the Polish post office had demanded improvement of job security in accordance with the law and had denounced violations of the workers' rights by the management of the Polish Post. Management sacked Bartosz because he was such a high-profile union member, and therefore a threat to their ongoing exploitation of the workers.
18-07-2008 17:26
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Listen to the NUM, Climate Camp UK, Climate Camp USA, Climate Convergence USA as well as some tasty music and the usual chat and randomness
18-07-2008 15:01
On the Global Day of Action against Private Equity, 50 people collectively delivered a giant invoice to Kohlberg, Kravis Roberts's (KKR) headquarters in London.