Noise Demo
17th December
US Embassy
24 Grosvenor Square, London W1A 2LQ.
Chelsea Manning both revealed and was subjected to torture by the US and is now serving 35 years in a military jail. John Kiriakou is the only CIA agent prosecuted over torture... for exposing it, and is serving a three year sentence in the US for doing so. Craig Murray, formerly UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, was persecuted for revealing how the CIA was sending people to Uzbekistan to be tortured and that both the UK and US were making use of information gained by torture. Julian Assange became a CIA target and subject of a US Grand Jury after exposing via WikiLeaks many US crimes including torture and has been deprived of his liberty for four years.
On 17th December there are vigils and demonstrations throughout the world in support of Chelsea Manning

In London at 2.30- 4pm, there will be a vigil on the steps of St Martin-in-the-Fields Church.

At 4-30pm until 6pm, the Solidarity Collective will be holding a noise demo in support of Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange outside the US Embassy in London 24 Grosvenor Square, London W1A 2LQ.
Come along and show your solidarity with persecuted whistleblowers and your opposition to torture everywhere.
Bring.... banners, placards, whistles, musical instruments