Some prefer the human proximity in restaurants..
they are lonely or seek to get out of the house.
Others travel lightly and so eat in restaurants.
Still others hate to cook, to wash dishes, to spend
time in harshly lighted grocery stores with their
commercial vibrations.
Another group cannot afford the many
costs of eating out:
1 the calories, 2 the price, 3 the tips, 4 the time 5 the reheated food 6 the transportation costs of coming and going 7 unclean ecoli (colon bacteria) hands, 8 the greater chance of food poisoning, 9 the less pure water 10 the grills and pans on and which flesh has been cooked, 11 the old oil, 12 the salad bars sprayed with toxic sulfite preservatives correlated to diarrhea and other side effects, 13 the nonorganic food,
14 the state taxes taken for hunter dominated wildlife agencies, execution (in 9 states), forest killing highways 15. the lack of vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and uncooked options. They decide to
have potlucks for their friends at home.
Vegetarians, vegans and fruitarians don't like to give money to institutions involved in the killing of animals. Vegetarian vegan restaurant guides

Sathya Sai Baba: "Avoid restaurants where meat is served." (Among many other reasons
such as nonviolence, health, environmental action are that )"Vibrations of the cook
enter the food."
It's time for The National Restaurant Association to promote vegan and vegetarian food.