The US Obama care act will force the US middle class to not spend money. The cost of ACA called obama care will be about 14,000 USD a family and increase the following year. The US lower middle class to medium Righ class which accounts for 27% of all goods purchased world wide.will have no money to buy anything. The trickle down effect will slow the world economy to a stand still. Money will have no value all basic sevices will be off, you will have to be prepaired to ride it out. Geneva think tank states comoditys will be the currency during this Depression the likes of the World has never scene.
Arthur Swenson states the best things you can do to ready yourself and your family are.Buy all the Silver you can untill May 2014 to retain some wealth. Find a small home or peice of land in an unpopulated area if you can not buy a small home put a camper on the land and drill a well have a pump. Things you will need. A generator and fule to run the generator 6 hours a day for 2 or more years. Buy a ham radio (there will be no internet nor Cell phones)buy 2 or more guns and cartriges 300 or more each. Stock pile canned/dried goods and everything else you would need. Put togeather a medical kit with antibiotics and a medical referance book plus instuments. (there will be no emergency rooms in operation)Also have packs of seeds to grow squash it is easy to grow as is Swiss Chard and beets.
Have a 4 wheel drive car and extra basic parts for it most importsnt a battery, and 2 100 liter drums of fule for the car incase you need to get out of the area your in.REMEMBER thoses who did not plan will attempt to steal from you and your family and group. If desperate they may even attempt to kill you trust no one outside your group.