dangerous molecules
I Changing Diet
a. avoid salt and other high sodium foods which raise blood pressure...
b. avoid caffein which stimulates the heartbeat, in coffee, tea, some sodas, some medications
c. eliminate cholesterol or animal fat in meat, fish and dairy products (e.g. an egg has 250 to 300 mg of cholesterol)
d. eliminate fried foods
e. Stay away from foods with trioxypurine (uric acid)..
the pre-urine in the cells of slaughtered
animals and fishes. Trioxypurine is stronger
than dioxypurine or caffein and raises unnaturally
the heartbeat. In addition its crystallized needle formations
surround the joints and the arteries.
f. avoid animal protein whose byproduct, amyloid plaque,
causes Alzheimer's and other diseases by lining the
cerebral, optic and other arteries, decreasing
the flow of blood to vital organs
g. avoid foods containing adrenalin. Adrenalin is
secreted by animals, birds and fishes during
their slaughter as they die in a terrorized,
frightened state. Some of the links of the adrenalin
chain are broken by cooking but enough remain intact
that they, the biochemicals of agony and panic,
create unnaturally high heartbeats in those who
eat meat and fish.
II Exercise, Yoga,
III Weight Loss Through Calorie Reduction
IV Culativate Peace, Avoid Stress, Breath Disciplines, Meditation
V Eat Organic Foods. Studies show the link between insecticides and cardiovascular disease

VI Avoid Food Coloring Agents
Sodium nitrate (red dye number 2, several yellow dyes, and other dyes
cause hyperactivity or other toxic effects

VII Avoid Highly Acidic Foods
Vegans according to many studies weigh less than either nonvegetarians or dairy vegetarians. One study by Dr Mervyn Hardinge at an Ivy League school in the US found that vegans in isocaloric studies in which each group receives the same number of calories daily.... after 3 months weighed 11 pounds less than dairy vegetarians and 23 pounds less than nonvegetarians. Fruitarians weighed less than vegans.
It is crucial that the carotid arteries of the neck remain free of cholesterol, amyloid plaque, and uric acid crystals.