- We need Amsterdam levels of money spent on London's Cycling Safety NOW.
- We need at least 2 formal Board Members on TfL Board.
- We need ALL Boroughs to be spending at least 10% of their Mayoral approved transport budgets spent on cycling infrastructure.
- We need all Borough and TfL Transport Heads qualified to deliver Dutch Style safety or be fired.
- Children, pensioners and inexperienced adults should not be forced to share space with HGVs and Buses.
- We need a FULL Integrated safely designed segregated cycle network in London ASAP.
- ALL dangerous junctions need to be redesigned to Dutch standards ASAP.
- Ban on any vehicles whose drivers cannot see adjacent road-users
Cycling Safety needs to be TOP of TfL's priorities, as should befit a 21st century city looking for ways to tackle congestion and pollution. If Crossrail was predicted to KILL 120 workers during its construction, work would be halted immediately.
CYCLISTS are just as important.
Please come to this mass cyclist die-in and vigil and spread the word. Wear skull masks/death costumes, dress in black, put some fake blood on an old t-shirt.
Bring candles and night-lights and something soft and waterproof to lie down on. Pedetrians and people without bikes also welcome are all drivers including bus and lorry/HGV drivers who support the campaign for safer cycling.
Bring placards calling for an end to cyclists deaths and for TfL to take the issue seriously.
5pm Vigil
5.30-5.45 Die-In
5.45-6.30 Rally and Vigil.
Address: London TFL HQ, Palestra Building, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ
Date: Friday 29th November 2013
Twitter Hashtag: #TfLDieIn
Facebook event page:

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