In a very twisted way, the EDL may have been let in on a secret that the public may not have been told about.
That the huge and expanding buildings may be home for a proposed
Sharia Centre.
That does not justify the EDL doing what they are doing.
But shouldn't the public know that our rulers are doing something like that?
Has anyone looked at the related hidden reasons why the EDL keep targeting the East London Mosque on the Whitechapel Road for their attempted marches?
In a very twisted way, the EDL may have been let in on a secret that the public may not have been told about.
That the huge and expanding buildings may be home for a proposed
Sharia Centre.
That does not justify the EDL doing what they are doing.
But shouldn't the public know that our rulers are doing something like that?
The two operations are run on the backs of the "worshippers" who are in the main
used as fodder for the Sharia Centre agenda that must have been going on for the past decade or so.
If you look at the architecture and then look at who is in control, you can see that the
worshipers are not in charge. It is faces and names that are regularly shown on State platforms and media.
Some of them are also linked with the Anglican Church Establishment.
As they are with certain embassies from the Middle east that are friendly to our FCO.
You then had the BBC mount a day long 'breaking news' style promotion of the opening of the 'London Muslim Centre’ a few years back.
That operation never has been seen by the Muslims in Tower Hamlets as their
The terrible thing is that the racist and fascist EDL agenda may be linked with knowledge that the Sharia Project to which the EDL claim to be objecting, may be already half way through and the EDL may be being used to highlight that in a doubly twisted way.
The London Muslim Centre and the East London Mosque are two of the most plausible vehicles, propaganda-wise, to get across a message that serves the
purpose of those who wish to deny the English our say.
Do even the Muslims want a Sharia Centre here?
Has anyone asked the Muslims?
If you ask for information about who the Muslim Centre is run by you get bland answers. Same is true about the East London Mosque.
But on the strangely linked satellite TV channels, you get glimpses of the same faces that serve as certified leaders of the London Muslim Centre and the East London Mosque.
Does it make things any clearer when the Canary Wharf Group makes the regular favourable appearance too?
These are the only two places in Britain that are referred to by the UK State as if they are already the Islamic parts of the State.
The announcement will therefore come in casually when they do decide that the time or right to do so.
In the meantime, you won't find any plain worshipper having either knowledge or say on either the Mosque or the Centre.
Once inside, you get the feeling of being in a semi-State organisation, not a Muslim centre or a mosque.
Shifty persons appear to be in place. You ask them questions and they look at you as if you are unwelcome.
That is the feeling of most innocent Muslim visitors who enter the complex under the first impression of the place being for plain Muslims.