I write this during the weekend that finally saw the end of those two dreadful Chechens who were described by many newspapers—starting with the Times, of course—as typical American teenagers. Why is it that after every outrage, family members and friends of the perpetrators are given space to air their sick views here in the United States? I can’t remember British newspapers, or even the grotesquely lefty BBC, giving equal space to Muslims defending the terrorist attack of 2005, nor any Spanish media allowing defenders of the 2003 outrage in Madrid to soil the airwaves with the usual blah, blah, blah about American imperialism being the real cause of terrorism.
American financial and military involvement in the Middle East and total support of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands are the reasons terrorists give for blowing up innocent people minding their own business. But this is not the point of this column. As long as Uncle Sam plays policeman to the world he will suffer the consequences. And as long as our borders are open to Muslims there will be terrorism at home.
“Saudi money pays for madrasas all over the Middle East and the subcontinent. These schools of hate teach only one thing: jihad against the West.”
Incidentally, what were these Chechens doing here anyway? In 2004, the year the younger brother arrived to these shores, Chechen terrorists in Russia murdered over 300 people, nearly half of them children, during a three-day siege. Did we need to give Chechen immigrants priority over, say, Scandinavians? The immigration authorities have as much to answer for as anyone.
If we were to shut down radical Islamist propaganda over the Internet—Uncle Sam listens in on everything so he could do that in a jiffy, and to hell with ACLU—and deport all those who have involved themselves with Islamic hate preachers, presto, you will be reading about terrorism in France and Britain but not over here.
But the real terrorists behind the idiots who either blow themselves up or shoot innocents in public places are our allies the Saudis and Qataris, those nice fat guys in sheets who behead women accused of adultery, execute teenagers for stealing, and having bought much of Europe are now busy trying to make their economic power felt over here. Their first client is none other than Al Gore, who just sold his TV network to Al Jazeera for 500 million big ones. (Don’t worry, Al, the man who stole the first election from you sold out the whole country for less to the Saudis after 9/11.) The big lie is that Al Jazeera is not used as a vehicle by Al-Qaeda and is not hostile to the US, but is a professionally run news channel that has won prominent US journalism prizes. (Some prizes. The fix was on.)
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Al Jazeera is simply a vehicle for the Sunni Qatari rulers—in cahoots with the Sunni Saudi kleptocracy—to shape the narrative of the volatile Middle East in favor of themselves. Qatar and Saudi Arabia are two of the richest countries in the world and are ruled by absolute monarchs. Their only fear is the Wahhabi fundamentalist clergy that turns a blind eye to their whoring, boozing, and stealing of their respective countries’ wealth. To keep the clergy quiescent, those nice guys one sees getting off private 747s in the world’s fleshpots keep buying arms from Uncle Sam and from France and Britain. They are the ones who are supplying arms to the radical Islamists trying to overthrow one of the last secular leaders in the Middle East, Bashar Al-Assad. Their wealth has ensured that the world sees Assad as the villain and the so-called rebels as the nice guys. As I write, the idiotic Kerry is continuing Hillary’s stupidities in threatening to arm the “rebels.” All this because the Saudis and Qataris wish to establish a Sunni corridor throughout the Middle East, cutting out the majority Shiites.
Yes, dear readers, it is as simple as that. Take the case of Bahrain. A Sunni minority keeps a 70% Shiite majority enslaved. Obama chooses to ignore this outrage because the United States’ Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain. The Saudis send tanks and troops occasionally over a bridge that connects the tiny island to the desert hellhole when the natives get too restless. Currying favors with dictators was a no-no when Obama was running for president, but it has somehow escaped his notice now that he’s in the driver’s seat.
Saudi money pays for madrasas all over the Middle East and the subcontinent. These schools of hate teach only one thing: jihad against the West. It would take the Fifth Fleet a day or two to do to the Saudis, Qataris, and Bahrainis what the Russian captain did to the Monte Carlo authorities when he gambled away his battleship’s money on a drunken night at the casino. He sent a message asking for the money to be returned or he would start firing. The money came back quicker than you can say “Monaco.” Uncle Sam should tell the unholy trio to stop financing terror or else. That would be the only real tribute to the victims of Boston. The rest is bullshit.