Is there a reliable source that could check up on this on the west Coast of Canada.
It is strange for me to have been subject to Pin Down with meds and also my now dead sister and see that the church is more like the Devil it defends itself and others from. Yet this individual is still there?!!
1. You mention that you were abused by members of the church in Aberdeen (if I remember correctly). As shallow as it may seem from someone you've never met, I am deeply sorry that any such thing has happened to you or to anyone. No one should ever have to deal with such things. I myself come from the west coast of Canada, where there have been countless cases of physical and sexual abuse against indigenous children by people of various church-run schools. It is an atrocious history and one that has not been dealt with well. My own brother-in-law is a lawyer and defends the survivors of these schools (many children died). His father and many of his family members are survivors themselves.
here is the link to the video being discussed.